Naučne publikacije akademskog osoblja


Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.
Datum kreiranja: 24.12.2013.

Miodrag Kocić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 9.6.1973.
  • Mesto rođenja: Leskovac
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Fakultet fizičke kulture
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2001
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1. Bissas, A., Broďáni, J., Brooks, S., Cox, V., Chwała, W., Čillík, I., Drake, A., Godfrey, R., Hanley, B., Hoga, K., James, R., Kisiel, K., Kocić, M., Lapka, J., Lapka, M., Mirek, W., Mleczko, E., Pupiš, M.,  Raković, A., Salvage, J., Savanović, V., Seaman, T., Šelinger, P., Stanković, D., Sudol, G., Torre, A.L., Vavák, M., & Vernillo, G. (2011). World race walking research. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, FHV Banská Bystrica. ISBN: 978-80-557-0159-2. (М42)

    2. Пантелић, С., Костић, Р., Братић, М., Узуновић, С., Ранђеловић, Н., Драгић, Б., Нуркић, М., Коцић, М., Бјелаковић, Љ., и Јоргић, Б. (2016). Релације морфолошких карактеристика и моторичких спсособности деце различитог степена ухрањености. Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања Универзитета у Нишу. ISBN 978-86-87249-78-3. (М42)

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Берић, Д., и Коцић, М. (2010). Кошарка техника и методика. Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања. ISBN: 978-86-87249-17-2.

    2. Коцић, М., и Берић, Д. (2010). Баскет. Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања. ISBN: 978-86-87249-19-6.

    3. Коцић, М., и Берић, Д. (2015). Кошарка. Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања. ISBN: 978-86-87249-73-8.

    4. Наумовски, М., Коцић, М., и Даскаловски, Б. (2016). Баскет 3 на 3 Streetball. Скопје: Факултета за физичко образовање спорт и здравље.

    5. Коцић, М., и Николић, Д. (2017). Баскет 3 на 3Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања. ISBN: 978-86-87249-81-3.



  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Ranković, G., Mutavdžić, V., Toskić, D., Preljević, A., Kocić, M., Nedin-Ranković, G. i Damnjanović, N. (2010). Aerobic capacity as an indicator in different kinds of sports. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Scieinces, 10 (1), 44-48. (М23)

    2. Kocić, M, Bojić, I., Aleksandrović, M., Ignjatović, A., & Radovanović, D. (2017). Physical activity in adolescent with mental retardation: is adapted basketball training adequate stimulus to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and sport skills performance? Acta Facultatis Madicae Naissensis, 34 (2), 159-168. (Emerging Sources Citation IndexESCI) (М23)

    3. Pejčić, A,. Kocić, M., Berić, D., Kozomara, G., & Aleksandrović, M. (2019). The effects of special sports games program on physical fitness in adolescents with intellectual disability. Acta Facultatis Madicae Naissensis, 36(2), 120-130. UDC: 796:616-056.34-053.6 DOI: 10.5937/afmnai1902120P (Emerging Sources Citation IndexESCI) (M23)

    4. Petković, E., Bubanj, S., Marković, K., Kocić, M., & Stanković, D., (2019). Position-Related Somatotype of Elite Female Handball Players. Acta Facultatis Madicae Naissensis. 36(4), 316-325. UDC: 796.322.012.1‑055.2 DOI: 10.5937/afmnai1904316P (Emerging Sources Citation IndexESCI) (M23)

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

      1. Čvorović, A., Kocić, M. i Berić, D. (2011). Asimetrija dominantnih i nedominantnih ekstremiteta u ispoljavanju frekvencije pokreta kod mladih košarkaša. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 9 (1), 91-98. (М24)

      2. Kocić, M., Berić, D., Radovanović, D., & Simović, S. (2012). Differences in mobility, situational, motor and functional abilities of basketball players at different levels of competition. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 10 (1), 23-32. (М24)

      3. Radenković, M., Berić, D., &  Kocić, M. (2014). The influence of the elements of basketball on the development of motor skills in children with special needs. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 12 (2), 123-130. (М24)

      4. Zdravković, D., Antić, D., Jezdimirović, M., &  Kocić, M. (2014). Sports in borderlands: Bogosav Đurđanović about sport and educational work (Kladovo). Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 12 (3), 257-287. (М24)

      5. Vukosavljević, J., &  Kocić, M. (2015). The situational success in the нandball: review. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 13 (1), 97-105. (М24)

      6. Bojić, I., Kocić, M., & Stajić, S. (2015). The explosive power of the lower limbs in basketball and handball players. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 13 (1), 1-9. (М24)

      7. Nikolić, D., Kocić, M., Berić, D., Cvetković, N., & Kržalić, A. (2015). Motor abilities of children in urban and rural areas. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 13 (1), 127-138. (М24)

      8. Ademović, I., Kocić, M., Berić, D., & Daskaloski, B. (2015). Explosive leg strength of elite basketball players. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 13 (2), 253-261. (М24)

      9. Kocić, M., Berić, D. i Stevanović, M. (2016). Efficiency of ball manipulation in basketball players. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 14 (1), 23-30. (М24)

      10. Kocić, M., Joksimović, A. i Stevanović, M. (2016). Explosive power of the legs in football and futsal players. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 14 (2), 269-278. (М24)

      11. Nikolić, D., Berić, D., Kocić, M., & Daskaloski, B. (2017). Complex training and sprint abilities of young basketball players. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 13(1), 127-138. (M24)

      12. Mitić, M., Paunović, M., Živković, M., Stojanović, N., Bojić, I., Milenković, D., & Kocić, M. (2018). Differences in agility and explosive power of basketball players in relation to their positions on the team. Facta Universitates, Series Physical Education and Sport, 16(4), 739-747. UDC 796.323.012.1. (M24)

      13. Bojić, I., Živković,M., Kocić, M.,Veličković, M., & Milenković, D. (2019). Differences In The Explosive Strength Of The Top-Ranked Female Handball Players During The Competition. Facta universitatis-series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(3), 601-608. doi: 10.22190/FUPES191205054B, UDC 796.012.322 (M24)

      14. Aksović, N., Berić, D., Kocić, M., Jakovljević, S., & Milanović, F. (2019). Plyometric training and sprint abilities of young basketball players. Facta Universitatis Series Physical Education and Sport, 17(3), 539-548., UDC 796.012.1: 796.323.2 (M24)

      15. Pejčić, A., & Kocić, M. (2020). The impact of special exercise programs of sports games on developing of specific motor abilities in adolescents with intellectual impairment. Facta Universitatis, Series Physical Education and Sport, 18(1), 249-261. DOI: UDC 796.012.01 615.01 (M24)

      16. Aksović, N., Kocić, M., Berić, D., & Bubanj, S. (2020). Explosive power in basketball players. Facta Universitatis Series Physical Education and Sport, 18(1), 119-134. UDC 796.015.332 (M24)

      17. Kocić, M., & Žigić, G. (2020). The impact of the special physical education on changing aerobic endurance in students. Facta Universitatis Series Physical Education and Sport, 18(2), 391-397. UDC 796.012-057-87 (M24)

      18. Stanković, D., Kocić, M., Milenković, S., & Bubanj, S. (2020). Reliability of tests for measuring isometric force of the muscles while shooting in basketball. Facta Universitatis Series Physical Education and Sport, 18(3), 567-575. (M24)

      19. Jovanović-Golubović, D. i Kocić, M. (2004). Uticaj psihomotorne ravnoteže na preciznost ubacivanja lopte u koš. Sport Mont, 4 (II), 32-38. (М51)

      20. Kocić, M. (2005). Differences in certain aspects of mobility with students participating in curricular and extra curricular basketball activities. Sport Mont,  8-9 (III), 156-161. (М51)

      21. Kocić, M. i Jovanović-Golubović, D. (2005). The role of the guard – the organizer of the offense. Sport Mont,  6-7 (III), 377-382. (М51)

      22. Kocić, M., Đurašković, R. i Jovanović, D. (2008). School of basketball the selection factor or the regulation of body weight. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 36 (1), 38-45. (М51)

      23. Kocić, M. i Jovanović, D. (2008). Establishing the differnces in situational mobility of the efficient ball manipulating with basketball players at different levels of competition. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 36 (1), 82-85. (М51)

      24. Kocić, M. i Jovanović, D. (2008). Reward and punishment as the parameters of the successfulness of the technique elements performance with young basketball players. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 36 (1), 122-124. (М51)

      25. Kocić, M. i Milenković, D. (2008). Differences in circular dimensionality and subcutaneous fatty tissue between young basketball players and elementary school pupils. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 36 (1), 163-167. (М51)

      26. Kocić, M., Jovanović, D. i Bojić, I. (2008). The specifics of the training process of young basketball players. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 36 (2), 231-233. (М51)

      27. Jovanović, D., Kocić, M. i Uzunović, S. (2008). The analysis of certain technical and tactical elements of basketball game with the help of rhythm and tempo. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 36 (2), 234-237. (М51)

      28. Bojić, I., Ilić, S. i Kocić, M. (2009). The basic-mobility abilities structure of the handball players of different competitional level. Sport and Science, 1, 61-66. (М51)

      29. Kocić, M., Berić, D. i Bojić, I. (2009). The structural differences of the basketball players of different competitive level. Sport and Science, 1, 56-60. (М51)

      30. Berić, D., Kocić, M. i Jovanović, I. (2009). Canonic corelation between sinergic and contraprodactiv statistical characteristics of eficiency of the best women basketball players. Sport and Science, 1, 175-182. (М51)

      31. Kocić, M., Berić, D. i Bojić, I. (2009). Influence of training process on development of situational-motor abilities of throw precision with young basketball players. Acta Kinesiologica, 3 (2), 67-72. (М51)

      32. Ranković, G., Mutavdžić, V., Marković, S., Berić, D., Toskić, D., Stefanović, R., Kocić, M. i Lilić, Lj. (2011). The aerobic capacity as an indicator of physical ability in handball and judo players. Gazzeta Medica Italiana Arhivio Per Le Sceinze Mediche, 171 (1) 447-451. (М51)

      33. Bojić, I., Petković, D. i Kocić, M. (2010). Influence of different training programmes on basic coordination of female handball players. Acta Kinesiologica, 4 (1), 71-74. (М51)

      34. Pupiš, M., Raković, A., Savanović, V., Stanković, D., Kocić, M. i Berić, D. (2010). Hyperoxy as a form of  anaerobic  workload reduction on the elite basketball players. Acta Kinesiologica, 4 (1), 45-48. (М51)

      35. Pupiš, M., Raković, A., Stanković, D., Kocić, M. i Savanović, V. (2010). Sex and endurance performance. Sport Scientific And Practical Aspecects, International Journal of Kinesiology, 7 (1), 21-25. (М51)

      36. Čvorović, A., Berić, D. i Kocić, M. (2011). Asimetrija dominantnih i nedominantnih ekstremiteta u ispoljavanju eksplozivne snage kod košarkaša mlađih uzrasnih kategorija. Sport Scientific And Practical Aspecects, International Journal of Kinesiology, 8 (1), 5-9. (М51)

      37. Simović, S., Matković, B., Mijanović, M., Kocić, M. i Vojvodić, M. (2012). Structure of efficiency factor at XIII, IV, XV, and XVI World Championship in basketball.  Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 7 (2), 527-543. (М51)

      38. Stanišić, Z., Berić, D., Bojić, I., Nurkić, M., & Kocić, M. (2012). The effects of specially adapted basketball training program in adolescents with mental retardation: a pilot study. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 6 (3), 89-93. (М51)

      39. Daskaloski, B., Naumovski, M., & Kocić, M. (2014). Multivariate and univariate differences in offense-defense variablesamong the best basketball leagues. Research in Physical Education, Sport, and Health, 3 (1), 99-104. (М51)

      40. Jezdimirović, M., Joksimović, A., Kocić, M., Nikolić, D., & Đošić, A. (2014). The differences between jump performance and speed of young football players with different levels of competitio. Research in Physical Education, Sport, and Health, 1, 181-185. (М51)

      41. Nikolić, D., Kocić, M., Đošić, A., & Veličković, M. (2017). Research review of the development of the explosive strength in basketball. Sports Science and Health, 7 (1), 22-36. (M51)

      42. Daskaloski, B., Aceski, A., Naumovski, M., Todorovski, S., Kocić, M., & Kochovski, B. (2019). A comparative analysisof the results from specific motor tests in 14, 15 and 16 years old basketball players. Research in Physical Education, Sport, and Health, 8(1), 35-40. ISSN (Print):1857-8152; ISSN (Online):1857-8160 UDC: 796.323.2.012.1-055.1-053.66:303.446 (M51)

      43. Ljubiša, L., Stefanović, R., Kocić, M., Ilić, H.S., Nedin-Ranković, G., Trajković., D. i Mitić, D. (2009). Changes in lipid parameters and antropometric indicators of dieting during the period of intensive preparations of top athletes. Acta Medica Medianae, 48 (4), 5-9. (М52)

      44. Stanisic, Z., Kocic, M., Aleksandrovic, M., Stankovic, N.,  & Radovanovic, D. (2012). The effects of an adapted basketball training program on the physical fitness of adolescents with mental retardation: A pilot study. Serbian Journal of  Experimental and Clinical Research, 13 (3), 103-107. (М52)

      45. Nikolić, D., Kocić, M., & Veličković, M. (2017). Razvoj agilnosti košarkaša. Sport i zdravlje. 7 (1), 68-76. (М53

      46. Kozomara, G., Petrović, P., Nikolić, G., Jorgić, B., Kocić, M., & Aleksandrović, M. (2019). The effects of preparation period on motor skills of wheelchair basketball payers: a pilot study. Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education, 3(4), 11-14. (M53)

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1. Jovanović-Golubović, D. i Kocić, M. (2003). Uticaj snage i brzine na preciznost šuta u košarci u pokretu. U Lj. Petrov (Ur.), Kinezilogija 2002. - Međunarodna naučna konferencija, (str. 193-198). Veliko Trnovo: Boika. (М33)

    2. Kocić, M. i Jovanović-Golubović, D. (2004). The possibility of determining orientation norms of efficiency in basketball. U N. Živanović (Ur.), 2nd  FIEP European Congress, (str. 249-253). Vrnjačka Banja: Fakultet fizičke kulture, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М33)

    3. Kocić, M. i Jovanović, D. (2007). Motoric abilities as a determining factor with basketball players in different ranks of competition.  U N. Smajlović (Ur.), NTS (str. 271-275). Sarajevo: Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja. (М33)

    4. Kocić, M., Berić, D., Naumovski, M. i Daskalovski, B. (2010). Saradnja dva igrača u napadu i odbrana od “pick and rolla”. 5nd  FIEP European Congress, (str. 399-403). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М33)

    5. Čvorović, A., Berić, D. i Kocić, M. (2011). Disproportion of the lower extremities in displaying explosive power with young basketball players. U Lj. Petrov (Ur.), Kinezilogija 2011. - Međunarodna naučna konferencija, (str. 18-25). Veliko Trnovo: I&B LTD. (М33)

    6. Čvorović, A., Kocić, M., & Berić, D. (2013). The influence of unilateral trainng on cross education and asymmetry in use limbs in young basketball players. 18th annual Congress of the Europen College of Sport Science. (М33)

    7. Nikolić, D., Pavlović, Lj., Kocić, M., & Golubović, M. (2013). Razlike u prostoru morfoloških karakteristika kod košarkaša i rukometaša. In S. Pantelić (Ed), XVI Sceintific Conference "FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in phisycal education, sport and recreation and (I International Sceintific Conference) (pp. 14-148). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    8. Bojić, I., Kocić, M., Nurkić, M., & Milenković, M. (2013). Application of polygon for the development of basic – cооrdination abilities of female handball players. In S. Pantelić (Ed), XVI Sceintific Conference "FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in phisycal education, sport and recreation and (I International Sceintific Conference) (pp. 34-41). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    9. Dinić, N., Jezdimirović, M., Joksimović, A., Kocić, M., Nikolić, D., & Đošić, A. (2014). Differences in explosive power in young soccer players of different rank. In S. Pantelić (Ed), XVII Sceintific Conference "FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in phisycal education, sport and recreation and (II International Sceintific Conference) (pp. 98-102). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    10. Ademović, I., Milenković, D., Berić, D., Bojić, I., & Kocić, M. (2014). Jumping abilities of vertical and horizontal direction in basketball. In S. Pantelić (Ed), XVII Sceintific Conference "FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in phisycal education, sport and recreation and (II International Sceintific Conference) (pp. 163-167). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    11. Ademović, I., Milenković, D., Pavlović, LJ., & Kocić, M. (2014). The impact of morphological characteristics on agility in basketball players. In S. Pantelić (Ed), XVII Sceintific Conference "FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in phisycal education, sport and recreation and (II International Sceintific Conference) (pp. 168-171). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    12. Nikolić, D., Kocić, M., Berić, D., & Jezdimirović, M. (2015). The effects of plyometric training on the motor skills of female basketball players. In M. Bratić (Ed), XVIII Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2015" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp.76-82). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    13. Veličković, M., Kocić, M., Bojić, I., & Nejković, Z. (2015). Situational success in volleyball: Review. In M. Bratić (Ed), XVIII Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2015" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp.377-381). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    14. Nikolić, D., Kocić, M., Bojić, I., Veličković, M., & Berić, D. (2016). Characteristics of the development of the explosive strenght and agility in young basketball. In S. Pantelić (Ed), XIX International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2016" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 138-145). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    15. Mitrović, B., Đorđević, M., Marković, M., Kocić, M., Pantelić, S., & Nurkić, M. (2016). Impact of engaging in sport on differences in motor skills of male adolescents. In S. Pantelić (Ed), XIX International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2016" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 261-267). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    16. Bojić, I., Veličković, M., Kocić, M., & Nikolić, D. (2017). Correlation between morphological characteristics and situational – motor abilities of young female handball players. In S. Pantelić (Ed), XIX International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2017" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 317-322). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    17. Kocić, M., Berić, D., Nikolić, D., Milan, M., & Stanišić, Z. (2017). Functional basketball analysis (overview). In S. Pantelić (Ed), XIX International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2017" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 334-340). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. (М33)

    18. Mitić, М., Kocić, M., Berić, D., Radovanović, D., & Daskalovski, B. (2018). Differences in speed and body composition of basketball players depending on their position in the team. In M. Kocić (Ed), XXI International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2018" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 93-97). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. UDC 796.323:52‐68 (M33)

    19. Miloš, G., Utvić, N., Kocić, M., Mitić, М., & Nejić, K. (2018). Motor abilities of children of younger school age (overview). In M. Kocić (Ed), XXI International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2018" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 313-320). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. UDC 796.323:52‐68 (M33)

    20. Kocić, M., Mitić, М., Berić, D., Bojić, I., & Milenkovic, D. (2019). Differences in agility of basketballs in relation to playing positions in the team during the competition season. In N. Stojiljković (Ed), XXII International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2019" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 86-91). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. UDC 796.323:52‐68 (M33)

    21. Bojić, I., Kocić, M., Valdevit, Z., & Pejčić, A. (2019). Differences in body composition and motor abilities among female handball players relating to positions in the team. In N. Stojiljković (Ed), XXII International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2019" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 91-98). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. UDC 796.323:52‐68 (M33)


  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Kocić, M. (2002). Efekti treninga košarkaške sekcije na na brzinu kretanja i preciznost šuta na koš kod učenika osnovne škole. U R. Popović (Ur.), FIS Komunikacije 2002. - IX Međunarodni naučni skup, (str. 29). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М63)

    2. Kocić, M. i Radovanović, D. (2003). Razlike u bioenergetskom kapacitetu košarkaša IA Savezne lige i košarkaša I Srpske lige. U D. Jovanović-Golubović (Ur.),  FIS Komunikacije 2003, X Međunarodni naučni skup, (str. 416-419). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М63)

    3. Kocić, M. i Jovanović-Golubović, D. (2003). Utvrđivanje razlika u situaciono-motoričkoj sposobnosti ubacivanja lopte u koš kod košarkaša različitog ranga takmičenja. U D. Jovanović-Golubović (Ur.), FIS Komunikacije 2003, X Međunarodni naučni skup, (str. 419-422). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М63)

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    5. Kocić, M. i Jovanović, D. (2006). Razlike u situaciono-motoričkoj sposobnosti preciznost dodavanja lopte kod košarkaša različitog ranga takmičenja. FIS Komunikacije 2006, XII Međunarodni naučni skup, (str. 164-169). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М63)

    6. Kocić, M., Jovanović, D. i Radovanović, D. (2007). Razlike u antropometrijskim karakteristikama između košarkaša različitog ranga takmičenja. FIS Komunikacije 2007, XIII Međunarodni naučni skup, (str. 171-175). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М63)

    7. Bojić, I., Kocić, M. i Milenković, D. (2007). Razlike u nekim motoričkim sposobnostima između vrhunskih košarkaša i rukometaša. FIS Komunikacije 2007, XIII Međunarodni naučni skup, (str. 168-171). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М63)

    8. Berić, D., Kocić, M. i Marković, S. (2010). Antropometrijske karakteristike kao faktor određivanja homogenih grupa za košarku. FIS Komunikacije 2010, XIV Međunarodni naučni skup, (str. 461-468). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Nišu. (М63)

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    10. Ademović, I., Milenković, D., i Kocić, M., (2014). Agilnost i eksplozivna snaga nogu vertikalnog tipa u vrhunskoj košarci. Prva međunarodna konferencija, Sport, zdravlje, životna sredina, (str. 37-44). Beograd: Fakultet za sport, Univerzitet Union "Nikola tesla". (М63)

    11. Kocić, M., Nikolić, D., Veličković, M., Đošić, A., Cvetković, N., & Berić, D. (2016).  Razvoj brzine košarkaša. U M. Stanišič (Ur), ASPEKT 2016 "Savremeni aspekti fizičkog vaspitanja, sporta i rekreacije" (str. 136-152). Beograd, Fakultet za fizičku kulturu i menadžment u sportu, Univerzitet Singidunum. (М63)

    12. Pantelić, S., Veličković, S., Kocić, M., Mitić, P., & Bratić, M. (2017). Quality of life in collage students skiers. 1st Sceintific SPE BALKAN SKI Conference(М34)

Poslednji put izmenjeno petak, 26 februar 2021 11:21