Odštampajte ovu stranicu
Datum kreiranja: 21.04.2023.

Dejan Rančić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 07.03.1962
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Medicinski fakultet Niš
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Medicina
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1986.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Stanković M.,J., Rančić D.: Klinička impedansmetrija,“ Grafika“ , Pirot, 1996.

    Rančić D.: Otorinolaringologija sa zdravstvenom negom za strukovne medicinske studije, Ćuprija 2010.

    Fuad Brkić i Dejan Rančić: Otorinolaringologija i pridružena njega, Banja Luka, 2012.

    P.Kovačević, D. Rančić: Disekcije vrata , Univerzitet u Nišu, Medicinski fakultet  Niš, 2015.


  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Stevanovic GR, Dakovic-Bjelakovic MZ, Paravina JM, Momcilovic S, Golubovic IZ, Ignjatovic NS, Jankovic ID, Radojkovic M, Nestorovic M, Rancic D, Rancic Z. Reliability and Versatility of Reverse Sural Island Neurofasciocutaneous Leg Flaps. Ann Plast Surg 2020; 85(6):656-60. IF:1,539 (M23)

    2. Jovanovic M, Radojkovic M, Djordjevic P, Rancic D, Jovanovic N, Rancic Z. Recycling and Reinforcing Intimomedial Flap of the Infrarenal Aorta Using Anterior Longitudinal Ligament in Patients With Acute Trauma With Bowel Injuries. Vasc Endovascular Surg 2017; 51(7):501-505. IF: 1.094 (M23)

    3. Trenkic Bozinovic Marija, Krasic Dragan, Katic Vuka, Rancic Dejan, Krstic Miljan, Jocic Djordjevic Jasmina, Jovanovic Jelena. Comparative analysis of clinicopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of Merkel cell carcinoma. Journal of the Balkan Oncology 2014; 19(2):530-534. IF: 0.741 (M23)

    4. Dejan Rančić. Upotreba totalne osikularne proteze nakon radikalne trepanacije temporalne kosti. Vojnosanitet Pregl 2013; 70(5): 463-468. IF:0.269 (M23)

    5. Stokanovic D, Ristic-Petrovic A, Zivkovic V, Stokanovic V, Pesic I, Rancic D, Ljubisavljevic S, Cvetkovic T, Pavlovic D. The Role of oxidative stress in the etiopathology of male infertility. Oxidation Communications 2012; 35(4):1038-48. IF: 0.146 (M23)

    6. Pesic I, Petrovic V, Rancic D, Dunjic O, Stefanovic V. Validation of macromolecules as an early marker in glomerular and tubulointerstitial diseases – current proteomics and computational approach. HealthMed 2012; 6(5): 1828-1835.

    7. Rancic D, Pesic I, Dunic O. The use of a total ossicular replacement prosthesis after radical trepanation of temporal bone (TORP after TROT) - a case report. HealthMED 2012; 6(5): 1748-1753.

    8. Rančić D, Mihajlovic D, Dunjić O, Pešić I, Stojanović V. Wound healing in different types of incisions used in septoplasty: experimental model. HealthMED 2012; 6(4): 1327-1330.

    9. Rančić D, Dunjić O, Pešić I, Stojanović V. Transitory tubal dysfunction during vasoactive therapy. HealthMED 2012; 6(3): 884-888.

    10. Rančić D. New concept of cochlear implant. Acta Med Sal 2008; 37 (1): 82-84. (M52)

    11. Rančić D, Živić M, Ilić I, Katić V, Radovanović Z. Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical features of ceruminous adenoma. Arch Oncol 2007; 15: 3-4.

    12. Mihailovic D, Moјsilovic M, Pesic Z, Rancic D. Karyometric analysis of pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the skin. Materia Medica 2004; 20: 21- 24.

    13. Rancic D, Mihailovic D, Mijovic Z. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of external auditory canal-case report. Archive of Oncology 2003; 11 (1): 27-29.

    14. Rancic Z, Radak Dj, Stojiljkovic M, Radojkovic M, Rancic D. Limited carotid screening: is it indicated to defect carotid disease in presence of symptomatic limb ischemia. International congess series: Cardiovascular Surgery and Angiology 2003; 1 (1): 80–83.

    15. Rancic Z, Rancic D, Radak Dj, Stojiljkovic M, Djordjevic N, Pesic M, Stevanovic G. Limitingscreening of asymptomatic carotid disease in patients with symptomatic limb ishaemia to subgroup of patients with carotid bruit is not effective. Facta Universitatis Series Medicine and Biology 2002; 9 (3): 231-235.

    16. Rancic D, Stefanovic N, Milisavljevic Lj. Stereoloska analiza hrskavice nosne pregrade. Acta Medica Medianae 1997; (suppl 1): 33-38.

    17. Milisavljevic Lj, Rancic D, Ljubisavljevic Z, Milisavljevic D. Traheotomija kod bolesnika sa tetanusom. Acta Medica Medianae 1997; 2: 109-111.

    18. Stefanovic N, Rancic D, Stankovic M, Marjanovic S. Stereological analysis of vascular network of human nasal septal mucosa. Folia anatomica Belgrade 1995; 23: 66-70.

    19. Popovic D, Stankovic M, Nedeljkovic A, Milisavljevic Lj, Rancic D.Otogene komplikacije. Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Serbica 1994; 1: 13-14.

    20. Ljubisavljevic Z, Milisavljevic Lj, Conic J, Popovic D, Zivic M, Rancic D. Adenotonzilektomije na ORL Klinici u Nisu nakon uvodjenja sktining testa faktora koagulacije. Acta Medica Medianae 1992; 6: 135-138

Poslednji put izmenjeno petak, 20 oktobar 2023 22:11