Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.
Datum kreiranja: 18.02.2014.
Irena Janković
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 14.10.1974.
- Mesto rođenja: Prokuplje
- Fakultet: Medicinski fakultet
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: medicina
- Godina diplomiranja: 2000.
Spisak publikacija
Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:
- Ирена Јанковић, Ана Спироски. Остале методе лечења поремећаја метаболизма липида. У Евалуација, дијагностика и терапија дислипидемија. Монографија, Ниш, Пунта, 2004: 90-95.
- Димитрије Јанковић, Ирена Јанковић: Липиди и атерогенеза. У Евалуација, дијагностика и терапија дислипидемија. Монографија, Ниш, Пунта, 2004: 125-129.
- Димитрије Јанковић, Ирена Јанковић, Иван Тасић: Ефекти нефармаколошких мера у терапији дислипидемија. У Терапијски приступи у лечењу дислипидемија. Монографија, Ниш, Пунта, 2005: 161-172.
Knjige i udžbenici:
- Marija Balkovic, Irena Jankovic: The History of Body Contouring Surgery. In book: Body Contouring and Sculpting. Archimedia, ISBN: 978-953-51-2829-8; DOI: 10.5772/66282, 2016.
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
- Jankovic I, Kovacevic P, Jankovic D, Stevanovic G, Momcilovic S. Lymphatic drainage map of the head and neck skin squamous cell carcinoma detected by sentinel lymph node biopsy. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2021 Aug;25(16):5228-5234. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202108_26536. (IF: 3.507)
- Janković I, Kovačević P, Višnjic M, Janković D, Binić I, Janković A, Ilić I. Application of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Cutaneus basosquamous Carcinoma. Ann Dermatol. 2011;23 Suppl 1:S123-6. (IF:0,531)
- Janković I, Kovačević P, Višnjić M, Janković D, Binić I, Janković A. Does incomplete excision of basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid mean tumor recurrence? An Bras Dermatol. 2010;85(6):872-7. (IF:0,337)
- Jankovic I. Replay on questioning the work "Does an incomplete excision of the eyelid basal cell carcionoma mean tumor recurrence?". An Bras Dermatol. 2011;86(2):401-3. (IF:0,337)
- Jankovic I, Kovacevic P, Visnjic M, Jankovic D, Velickovic M. A unique case of hereditary bilateral segmental neurofibromatosis on the face. An Bras Dermatol. 2012;87(6):895-8. (IF:0,618)
- Kovačević P, Kozarski J, Đorđević D, Janković I, Pavlović D. Upper limb replantation: Surgical strategy and the prophylaxis of acute renal failure in ischemia reperfusion injury: A report of two cases. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2021 OnLine-First Issue 00, Pages: 120-120.
- Stevanovic G, Dakovic-Bjelakovic M, Paravina J, Djordjevic B, Golubovic I, Jankovic I, Radojkovic M, Nestorovic M, Ignjatovic N, Krstic M. Anatomic study of septocutaneous system of the human fetuses¢ lower leg: Posterior tibial artery. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2017; (IF: 0,415).
- Stevanovic G, Dakovic-Bjelakovic M, Paravina J, Momcilovic S, Golubovic I, Ignjatovic N, Jankovic I, Radojkovic M, Nestorovic M, Rancic D, Rancic Z. Reliability and Versatility of Reverse Sural Island Neurofasciocutaneous Leg Flaps. Ann Plast Surg 2020 Dec;85(6):656-660. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000002350.
- Milic Dragan, Pejcic Veroljub, Zivic Sasa, Jovanovic Slobodan, Stanojkovic Zoran, Jankovic Radmilo, Pecic Vanja, Nestorovic Milica, Jankovic Irena. Coagulation status and the presence of postoperative deep vein thrombosis in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surg Endosc 2007;21(9):1588-92. (IF: 2,242)
- Binić I, Janković A, Janković D, Janković I, Vrucinić Z. Evaluation of healing and antimicrobiological effects of herbal therapy on venous leg ulcer: pilot study. Phytother Res. 2010;24(2):277-82. (IF:2,222)
- Dimić A, Janković D, Janković I, Savić T, Karanović N. The effects of one-year simvastatin therapy on womens bone mineral density. Cent Eur J Med 2010; 6(1): 98-102. (IF:0,244)
- Janković A, Binić I, Vručinić Z, Janković D, Janković I, Jančić S. Can you combine herbal therapy with physical agents in the treatment of venous leg ulcers? Evaluation of healing and antimicrobiological effects: a pilot study. Forsch Komplementmed. 2010;17(5):266-9. (IF:1,738)
- Radjenovic-Petkovic T, Pejcic TA, Videnovic-Ivanov JL, Jevtovic-Stoimenov TM, Jankovic ID, Nastasijevic-Borovac Desa, Radojkovic DB. Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Gene Polymorphism in Serbian Patients with Sarcoidosis. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2013; 3-4(141):169-172. (IF: 0,208)
- Stevanović G, Djordjević B, Daković M, Trenkić S, Stojiljković D, Jeremić S, Paravina J, Janković I, Golubović Z, Smiljković I. Fasciocutaneous flaps of the lower leg – anatomic study and clinical significance. Vojnosanit Pregl 2010; 67(2):136–144. (IF:0,199)
- Stojiljković D, Kovacević P, Visnjić M, Janković I, Stevanović G, Stojiljković P, Stojiljković M, Trenkić M, Golubović Z, Ignjatović N, Dimitrijević Z, Kovacević T, Stosić B, Bagur N. Comparative analysis of autodermal graft and polypropylene mesh use in large incisional hernia defects reconstruction. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2013;70(2):182-8. (IF:0,2)
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
- Irena Jankovic, Predrag Kovacevic, Goran Stevanovic, Dimitrije Jankovic. Double Random V-Y Advancement Flap for Reconstruction of a Partial Eyebrow Defects. Acta Medica Medianae 2017;56(3): UDC.617.52-089.844; doi:10.5633/amm.2017.0316 (M51)
- Stevanović G, Janković I, Paravina J, Janković D, Veličković M. Demographic characteristics of basal cell carcinoma: a retrospective study of 1884 lesions. Acta Medica Medianae 2017;56(3):137-142. doi:10.5633/amm.2017.0321
- Damnjanović Z, Jovanović M, Janković I, Cvetanović V, Smiljković I, Janković D. The analysis of limbs acute ischemia during seasons on the territory of South Serbia. Med Glas (Zenica). 2013 Feb;10(1):161-3.
- Đorđević I, Jeremić M, Stojanović M, Janković I, Vasić K, Đorđević M. Early peritoneal lavage in the treatment of acute pancreatitis – case report. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2010;27(4):229-237. (M53)
- Dimitrijević L, Stanković I, Zivković V, Mikov A, Colović H, Janković I. Botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of spasticity in children with cerebral palsy. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2007;64(8):513-8. (M51)
- Đorđević I, Zlatić A, Janković I. Treatment of perforative peptic ulcer. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2011;28(2):95-107. (M53)
- Đorđević I, Zlatić A, Pešić I, Janković I. Treatment Procedures In Acute Gastric And Duodenic Bleeding Ulcers. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2007;24(3):125-134. (M53)
- Irena Jankovic, Milan Visnic, Dragan Mihailovic, Dimitrije Jankovic. The Analysis of dimensions and the rate of recurrence of basal cell carcinoma of periorbital region after excisional surgery. Acta Medica Medianae 2004;43(2):13-18.
- Jankovic Dimitrije, Savic Todorka, Jankovic Irena, Spiroski Dejan, Pesic Bojan. Effect of simvastatin treatment on bone mineral density in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women. Acta Medica Medianae 2005;44(2): 61-65.
- Jović Z, Đorđević V, Vasić K, Cekić S, Janković I. Antiproteinuric effects of antihypertensive agents in non-diabetic hypertensive population. Cent Eur J Med 2008; 3(3):287-293.
- Pešić Bojan, Jeremić Miroslav, Janković Irena, Janković Dimitrije, Savev Saška. Prospektivna studija skale bola netenzione operativne tehnike ingvinalnih hernija. Acta Medica Medianae 2005;44(3):31-34.
- Predrag Kovačević, Irena Janković. Experience In The Treatment Of Basal Cell Carcinoma In Orbital Region. Medicus 2007;8(2):49-53.
- Rade Babić, Dimitrije Janković, Dušan Mitrović, Irena Janković: Irigografija posle priprema bolesnika Fortrans®-om. Acta Medica Medianae 2006;45(1):69-71.
- Savić T, Janković, D, Janković I, Bojanić V, Đinđić B, Miladinović-Tasić N, Tasić I. Efekti terapije simvastatinom na mineralnu gustinu kosti kod žena sa hiperholesterolemijom u postmenopauzalnom periodu. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2010; 27(1):13-18. (M53)
- 15. Savić T, Tasić I, Janković D, Bojanić V, Janković I, Miladinović-Tasić N. Overview of the scoring system for cardiovascular risk estimation: role and significance of lipids. Med Pregl 2009;62 (Suppl 3):24-32.(M51)
- Zorica Jović, Vidojko Djordjević, Karin Vasić, Snežana Cekić, Irena Janković. Antihypertensive Drug Use And Urinary Albumin Excretion In Non-Diabetic Hypertensive population. Facta Universitatis 2007;14(2):75-81. (M51)
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
- Jankovic I. MY NIGHTMARE CASES. Three in One 2017 Congress (10th Balkan Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, 12th Serbian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and 3rd Fellows in Science), Belgrade, Serbia, 2017:O51.
- Stevanovic G, Dakovic-Bjelakovic M, Paravina J, Golubovic I, Jankovic I. Reliability and versatility of reverse sural island. Three in One 2017 Congress (10th Balkan Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, 12th Serbian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and 3rd Fellows in Science), Belgrade, Serbia, 2017:A27.
- Kovacevic P, Kovacevic T, Jankovic I, Jeremic S. Globe preserving surgery of extensive, locally advanced periorbital cancer – FIRST 5 CASES. 11TH BAPRAS CONGRESS - Pushing the borders in plastic surgery. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2019:A211.
- Kovacevic P, Djordjevic P, Jankovic I, Kovacevic T. Two middle upper arm replantation in three days? YES, REALLY POSSIBLE. 11TH BAPRAS CONGRESS- Pushing the borders in plastic surgery. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2019:A193.
- Velickovic Irena, Vrbic Aleksandar: The influence of hexocycline on the acetylcholin induced contractions of isolated rat duodenum. 2nd International Medical students scientific congress, Nis- Niska Banja, Yugoslavia 1997:20, A15.
- Vrbic Aleksandar, Velickovic Irena. Cisapride- The possible mechanisms of its stimulated effects on contractions of isolated rat duodenum. 2nd International Medical students scientific congress, Nis- Niska Banja, Yugoslavia 1997:19, A14. 7
- Velickovic Irena, Vrbic A., Miljkovic Lj., Spalevic M., Spasic A.: The Effects of Hexocycline on the longitudinal musoses contractions of rat duodenum caused by acetylcholine. 3rd European Medical Students Symposium, Heraclion, Crete, Greece, 1997:45, A64.
- Vrbic Aleksandar, Velickovic I., Milenkovic D., Stankovic T., Djordjevic D.: Flavonoids as a modulators of the cell oxidative stress. 3rd European Medical Students Symposium, Heraclion, Crete, Greece, 1997:41, A48.
- Miljkovic Ljiljana, Vrbic A., Velickovic I.: Surface Mucos Cell Changes During Ethanol Treatment seen by SEM. 3rd European Medical Students Symposium, Heraclion, Crete, Greece, 1997:30, A1.
- Lazarevic Viktor, Velickovic Irena, Trucic Srdjan: Diagnosis of Congenital Miopathias. 3rd European Medical Students Symposium, Heraclion, Crete, Greece, 1997:30, A2.
- Velickovic Irena, Katic K., Koic M.: Progression of Precancerous lesions in the postgastrectomy stomach. 21th International Medical Students Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia 1997:39, A4.
- Spalevic Marija, I. Velickovic, Lj. Miljkovic: Hystological changes of aortas wall in Marphan Syndrom. 21st International Medical Students Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia 1997:66, A57.
- Spalevic Marija, Lj. Miljkovic, I. Velickovic: Treatment of acne vulgaris by clindamycin. 21st International Medical Students Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia 1997:59, A43.
- Vrbic Aleksandar, Velickovic Irena, Radenkovic Mirjana: The Efects of Cisapride on the contractions of isolated rat duodenum caused by acetilcholine. 21st International Medical Students Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia 1997:53, A31.
- Lazarevic Viktor, Velickovic Irena: Diagnosis of lower lip sqamous cell carcinoma. Trudi Molodih Ucenih Igma. Expertisa, Izevsk Russia, 1997:104.
- Veličković Irena, Stefanovic I., Uticaj Cisaprida na motilitet ileuma pacova. 40 Kongres studenata medicine i stomatologije Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vrnjačka Banja, 1998:23.
- Spalevic M, Veličković Irena: Acne Vulgaris, 40 Kongres studenata medicine i stomatologije Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vrnjacka Banja, 1998:93.
- Stefanovic I, Veličković Irena: Uticaj muskarinskih receptora M2 tipa na kontrakcije ileuma pacova, 40. Kongres studenata medicine i stomatologije Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vrnjačka Banja, 1998:18.
- Veličković Irena, K. Katić, M. Spalević, M. Jelenić, Morphology of Late Radiation Colits (RC), 22nd International Medical Students Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 1998:47, A40.
- Vladimir Zivkovic, D. Jankovic, D. Radovanovic, I. Velickovic, I. Kostic, N. Mrdakovic: Morphometric analysis of pineal glands acervulus in different periods of human life. 22nd International Medical Students Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia 1998:33, A12.
- Veličković Irena, Spalević Marija: The Pathogenetic Aspect Of Diagnostic And The Therapeutical Approach In Malignant Melanoma, International Medical Conference for Students and Young Doctors, Lublin, Poland,1998:39.
- Veličković Irena: Sepsis Cause By Streptococcus Group Viridans, 14th International Medical Scienses Students Congress, Istanbul, Turska,1998:27.
- Veličković Irena, Ljubic J, Zivkovic V., Spalevic M.: Adenotonsilectomya After Introducing Screening Test Of Coagulation Factors, 7th Annual International Ain Shams Medical Students Congres, Cairo, Egypt, 1999:197.
- Ljubic J, Bojovic N, Veličković Irena, Spalevic M: Inovations in Guillain-Barre Sindroms Therapy, 7th Annual International Ain Shams Medical Students Congres, Cairo, Egypt, 1999:132.
- Spalevic M, Zivkovic V, Velickovic Irena, Ljubic J: Skin Lesions in Diabetic Patients, 7th Annual International Ain Shams Medical Students Congres, Cairo, Egypt, 1999:277.
- Zivkovic V, Katic K, Veličković Irena, Rasic M: Does Gastrin Have Trophic Effect On The Antral Mucosa? 7th Annual International Ain Shams Medical Students Congres, Cairo, Egypt, 1999:99.
- Veličković Irena, Bogomaz Aleksandra: Razlike u kontraktilnim odgovorima na acetilholin i muskarinsku blokadu (M1 receptora) izmedu proksimalnog i distalnog kolona, 41. Kongres studenata medicine i stomatologije Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zlatibor, Jugoslavija, 2000:206.
- Veličković Irena: Maligni melanom- hirursko lečenje, 42. Kongres studenata medicine i stomatologije Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Lepenski Vir, Jugoslavija, 2001: 21.
- Irena Veličković, V. Stanišić, S. Bašić, S. Stević, O. Radulović.: Stavovi žena o ugradnji silikonskih inplatata u dojke. XXXVI Dani Preventivne Medicine, naučni sastanak sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš 2002:172-173.
- Visnjic M., Kovacevic P., Rancic Z., Paunkovic Lj., Djordjevic N., Velickovic I., Zdravkovic D., Bojic T.: Our Experiences in Burn Treatment. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2002;8(Suppl 4):414.
- Velickovic I, Velickovic I. The Importance of examination of secretion of IgG in urine in case of chronical glomerular nephritis progression. 2nd International Medical Students Congress, Katowice, Poland 1996:68.
- Milicevic Sasa, Dujmovic Irena, Marinkovic Marija, Velickovic Irena, Ostojic Predrag: Acute Gastro-intestinal Bleeding Caused by Helicobacter Pylori. 20th International Medical Students Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia 1996:45, A15.
- Milicevic Sasa, Dujmovic Irena, Marinkovic Marija, Velickovic Irena, Ostojic Predrag: The new structure of rats spinal cord found with the colouring method of May-GrunwaldGiemsa. 20th International Medical Students Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia 1996:50, A26.
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
- Janković I, Višnjić M, Kovačevićn P, Đorđević G, Jeremić S. Periorbital basal cell carcinoma recurrence rate. 10th Congress of the Serbian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Belgrade, Serbia, 19-22 May 2010.
- Jeremić S, Kovačević P, Paravina J, Stevanović G, Janković I. Sentinel node biopsy in cutaneus melanoma. 10th Congress of the Serbian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Belgrade, Serbia, 19-22 May 2010.
- Kovačević P, Jeremić S, Janković I, Stevanović G. Sentinel node biopsy for head and neck skin.10th Congress of the Serbian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Belgrade, Serbia, 19-22 May 2010.
- Savić T., Janković D., Spiroski A., Janković I.: Značaj povišenih vrednosti serumskog holesterola kod bolesnika sa aortokoronarnim premošćenjem u periodu posthospitalne rehabilitacije. Drugi kongres Kardiovaskularnih hirurga Srbije. Institut za kardiovaskularne bolesti, Sremska Kamenica, 2003:74.
- Savić Todorka, Đinđić Boris, Bojanić Vladmila, Janković Dimitrije, Janković Irena. Poremećaj sastava lipoproteinskih partikula i hronična inflamacija kao patogenetski faktor razvoja koronarne bolesti. IX Kongres Internista Srbije, Zlatibor 07-11. Jun 2008. P 172.
- Savić Todorka, Janković Irena, Janković Dimitrije, Spiroski Dejan. Uticaj nefarmakoloških mera i simvastatina na lipidni status, nivo antioksidativnih enzima i lipidnih peroksida kod bolesnika sa hiperholesterolemijom i infarktom miokarda. IX Kongres Internista Srbije, Zlatibor 07-11. Jun 2008. P 245.
- Spiroski Dejan, Andžić Mojsije, Janković Dimitrije, Janković Irena, Savić Todorka. Uticaj fizičke aktivnosti na modifikaciju faktora rizika lipidnog porekla kod pacijenata sa hiperlipidemijom i infarktom miokarda. IX Kongres Internista Srbije, Zlatibor 07-11. Jun 2008. P 173.
- Spiroski Dejan, Andžić Mojsije, Janković Dimitrije, Janković Irena, Savić Todorka. Dejstvo fizičkog treninga na lipidne parametre kod bolesnica sa hiperlipidemijom bez dijagnostikovane koronarne bolesti. IX Kongres Internista Srbije, Zlatibor 07-11. Jun 2008. P 247.
- Trenkic S., Paravina J., Stevanovic G., Stoiljkovic D., Jeremic S., Jankovic I., Stefanovic I.: Analysis of ten-years surgical treatment of malignant melanoma. Journal Annals of the Academy of Studenica 2004;7:7. 8
- Veličković Irena, Vrbić Aleksandar: Uticaj heksociklina na kontrakcije duodenuma izazvane acetilholinom. 39. Kongres Studenata Medicine i stomatologije Jugoslavije. Novi sad 1997:56.
- Vrbić Aleksandar, Veličković Irena: Uticaj cisaprida na kontrakcije duodenuma izazvane acetilholinom. 39. Kongres Studenata Medicine i stomatologije Jugoslavije. Zbornik radova, Novi sad 1997:56.
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