Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Milorad Antić
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 10.05.1987.
- Mesto rođenja: Niš
- Fakultet: Medicinski fakultet Niš
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Medicina
- Godina diplomiranja: 2012.
Spisak publikacija
Knjige i udžbenici:
Antić, V., & Antić, M. (2019). Praktikum iz anatomije za studente fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. Niš. Fakultet sport i fizičkog vaspitanja. Galaksija. ISBN 978-86-6233-280-6
Antić, V., & Antić, M. (2017). Lokomotorni aparat u sportu. Niš: Galaksijanis. ISBN: 978-86-6233-169-4
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
Antic, M., Dakovic-Bjelakovic, M., Antic, V., Pavlovic, M., Zivkovic, V., & Kochubovski, M. (2021). Endemic nephropathy and its significance for public health. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 22(4): 1735–1744.
Miljana Pavlović, Ivan Jovanović, Slađana Ugrenović, Vesna Stojanović, Vladimir Živković, Braca Kundalić, Milena Trandafilović, Milorad Antić,Jovana Čukuranović-Kokoris. Human anterior pituitary’s ACTH cells during the aging process: immunohistochemic and morphometric study. Anat Sci Int 2021; 96(2):250-257.
Pavlović MN, Jovanović ID, Ugrenović SZ, Kostić AV, Kundalić BK, Stojanović VR, Vlajković S, Trandafilović MM, Čukuranović-Kokoris JR, Antić MM. Position and size of massa intermedia in Serbian brains. Folia Morphol (Warsz) 2020; 79(1):21-27.
Antić, V., Stojiljković, N., & Antić, M. (2020). Comparative histochemical and morphometric analysis of muscle fibers of the psoas muscle in individuals of both genders with ageing. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2020 OnLine-First Issue 00, Pages: 107-107.
Daković-Bjelaković Marija, Vlajković Slobodan, Bjelaković Goran, Antić Milorad. Testicular cancer stem cell hypothesis - diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Vojnosanit pregl 2020; 77(11):1210-1215.
Antic V., Antic, M., Rakic, V., Stankovic, S., Jevremovic, A., & Kochubovski, M. (2020). Epidemiological significance of mandibular fracture and its public health relevance. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 21(2): 719–724.
Rakic, V., Antic, V., Antic, M., Jevremovic, A., & Kochubovski, M. (2019). Prevalence of ostheoarthritis of the temporomanibular joints and importance in public health. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 20(2): 995-1000.
Dakovic Bjelakovic M, Vlajkovic S, Petrovic A, Bjelakovic M, Antic M. Stereological study of developing glomerular forms during human fetal kidney development. Pediatr Neprhol 2018;33(5):817-825.
M. Boskovic, S. Stankovic, A. Jevremovic, M. Antic, A. Mitic, K. Todorovic, R. Obradovic, V. Rakic, M. Kochubovski. Prevalence of Edentulousness and Its Public Health Relevance. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 2018; 19(4):1843-1848.
M.Bosković, S.Stanković, A.Jevremović, M.Antić, I. Ristić, M. Kochubovski. Epidemiological importance of temporomandibular disorders in public health. J Environ Prot Ecol 2017;18(2):749-756.
Živković Vladimir S, Stanojković Milica M, Antić Milorad M. Psammoma bodies as signs of choroid plexus ageing: A morphometric analysis.Vojnosanit Pregl 2017;74(11):1054-1059.
Antić VM, Stefanović N, Jovanović I, Antić M, Milić M, Krstić M, Kundalić B, Milošević V. Morphometric analysis of somatotropic cells of the adenohypophysis and muscle fibers of the psoas muscle in the process of aging in humans. Ann Anat 2015; 200: 44–53.
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
Antić, V., Rakić, V., & Antić, M. (2019). Musculoskeletal biomechanics in the human jaw. Acta Medica Medianae, 58(4): 137-140.
Rakić, V., Antić, V., & Antić, M. (2019). The importance of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders. Acta Medica Medianae, 58(4): 120-123.
Daković- Bjelaković M, Popović J, Antić M, Vlajković S, Stojanov D, Ignjatović J. Analysis of the anatomical variations of the supraorbital transcranial passage in southeast Serbian population on volume rendered CT scans. Acta Medica Medianae, 2017;56(3)81-87.
Antić, M., Antić, VM., Kundalić, B., Krtinić, D., Pavlović, M., Čukuranović-Kokoris, J. (2016). Bilateral ossification of the stylohyoid ligament. Acta Medica Medianae 55(2): 46-49.
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
Antić M, Daković-Bjelaković M, Antić V, Kundalić B, Pavlovic M, Čukuranović-Kokoris J. (2018). Histomorphometric characteristics of human glomerulogenesis:radial glomerular count in relation to gestational age. 6th Congress of Serbian anatomical society of Serbia. September 7th-9th, 2018, Zlatibor, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia, pp 22.
Antić, M., Daković-Bjelaković, M., Antić, V., Stojanović, V., Kundalić, B., Čukuranović-Kokoris., J. (2016). Incidence of types of the supraorbital transcranial passages on three-dimensional volume rendered images of the human adult skull acquired from multislice coputed tommography. 5th Congress of Serbian anatomical society of Serbia. September 8th-10th, 2016, Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia. pp. 27
Antić V, Stefanović N, Jovanović I, Antić M, Bjelaković Lj. Immunohistochemical
and morphometrical analysis of muscle fibers of the psoas muscle in the process og
aging of men. Book of Proceedings. XVII Scientific Conference “Fis communication
2014” in physical education, sport and recreation and International Scientific
Conference. October 16‐18th 2014. Serbia, Niš; pp. 397–403.