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Datum kreiranja: 13.03.2020.

Milan Lazarević

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 22.09.1983.
  • Mesto rođenja: Nis
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Medicinski fakultet Niš
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Medicina
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2009.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1.Potential New Approaches in Predicting Adverse Cardiac Events One Month after Major Vascular Surgery. M Golubovic, V Peric, D Stanojevic, M Lazarevic, N Jovanovic, N Ilic, ...

    Medical Principles and Practice 28 (1), 63-69

    2.Design and development of novel therapeutics for coronary heart disease treatment based on cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition – in silico approach

    T Kostić, M Deljanin Ilić, Z Perišić, D Milić, M Đorđević, M Golubović, ...Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 38 (8), 2304-2313.

    3.In silico development of potential therapeutic for the pain treatment by inhibiting voltage-gated sodium channel 1.7

    M Golubovic, T Kostic, M Djordjevic, V Peric, M Lazarevic, DJ Milic, ...Computers in Biology and Medicine 132, 104346.

    4. Milan Lazarević, Mladjan Golubović, Dragan Milić, Dragana Stanojević, Tomislav Kostić, Miodrag Đorđević, Vesna Marjanović, Velimir Perić. Preoperative Levels of the Soluble Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor as Predictor for New Episodes of Atrial Fibrillation After Vascular Surgery. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2021; 1538574421995321.

    5. Zoran Damnjanović, Milan Jovanović, Momir Šarac, Nemanja Stepanović, Milan Lazarević, Dragan Milić. Correlation between climatic and biochemical parameters in etiopathogenesis of unprovoked deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs. Phlebology 2020. 36(5): 407-413

    6. Stanojković Zoran, Antić Ana, Balint Bela, Todorović Milena, Vučić Miodrag, Vacić Nebojša, Lazarević Milan.

    Evaluation of the anticoagulant effect of vitamin K antagonists in patients with non-valvular atrial
    fibrilation Vojnosanit Pregl 2020; IF: 0.272 (M23)
    7. Vacić Nebojša, Antić Ana, Stanojković Zoran, Vučić Miodrag, Lazarević Milan. Biochemical and functional
    quality assessment of platelet concentrates. Vojnosanit Pregl 2020; 77( 2): 151-157. IF: 0.272 (M23)
    8. Kostić T, Deljanin Ilić M, Perišić Z, Milić D, Đorđević M, Golubović M, Koraćević G, Šalinger Martinović
    S, Ćirić Zdravković S, Živić S, Lazarević M, Stanojević D, Dakić S, Lilić J, Veselinović A. Design and
    development of novel therapeutics for coronary heart disease treatment based on cholesteryl ester transfer
    protein inhibition -in silico approach. J Biomol Struct Dyn 2019; doi: 10.1080/07391102.2019.1630319.
    IF: 3.310 (M22)
    9. Milić Dragan, Živić Saša, Golubović Mlađan, Bogdanović Dragan, Lazarević Milan, Lazarević Konstansa.
    A randomized trial of surgery alone versus surgery plus compression in the treatment of venous leg ulcers in
    patients with primary venous insufficiency. Vojnosanit pregl 2019; IF: 0.272 (M23)
    10. Golubovic M, Peric V, Stanojevic D, Lazarevic M, Jovanovic N, Ilic N, Djordjevic M, Kostic T, Milic DJ.
    Potential New Approaches in Predicting Adverse Cardiac Events One Month After Major Vascular Surgery.
    Med Prin Pract 2019; 28(1):63-69. IF: 1.103 (M23)
    11. Ana Antić, Zoran Stanojković, Miodrag Vučić, Milan Lazarević, Nebojša Vacić. Comparison of
    pharmacodynamic properties of three different aspirin formualtions in the patients with stable coronary
    disease. Vojnosanit Pregl 2019; 76(6): 628–634. IF: 0.272 (M 23).
    12. Mlađan Golubović, Milan Lazarević, Dragan Zlatanović, Dane Krtinić, Viktor Stoičkov, Bojan Mladenović,
    Dragan J. Milić, Dušan Sokolović, Aleksandar M. Veselinović. The anesthetic action of some
    polyhalogenated ethers - Monte Carlo method based QSAR study. Comput Biol Chem 2018; 75:32-38.
    IF: 1.581 (M22)
    13. Golubovic M, Stanojevic D, Lazarevic M, Peric V, Kostic T, Djordjevic M, Zivic S, Milic DJ. A Risk
    Stratification Model for Cardiovascular Complications during the 3-Month Period after Major Elective
    Vascular Surgery. Biomed Res Int 2018; 2018:4381527. IF: 2.197 (M22)
    14. Golubovic M, Stanojevic D, Jovanovic N, Lazarevic M, Peric V, Milic D, Unic-Stojanovic D, Markovic D,
    Stosic B, Stepanovic N, Jankovic R. Mid-regional pro-adrenomedulin as a marker of perioperative mortality
    in non-cardiac surgery. Vojnosanit Pregl 2018; 75(6):632-633. IF: 0.272 (M23)
    15. Milic DJ, Zivic S, Bogdanovic D, Golubovic M, Lazarevic M, Lazarevic K. A Randomized Trial of Class 2
    and Class 3 Elastic Compression in the Prevention of Recurrence of Venous Ulceration. J Vasc Surg
    Venous Lymphat Disord 2018; 6(6):717-723. IF: 2.696 (М21)
    16. Lazarević M, Milić DJ, Kostic T, Perić V, Jovanović N, Stanojković Z, Golubović M. Impedance
    aggregometry may help in prediction of increased perioperative bleeding in cardiac surgery. Vojnosanit
    Pregl 2018; 75(5):533-534. IF: 0.272 (M23)

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1. Natalija Vukovic, Bratislav Pejić, Milan Lazarevic. Perioperative bleeding in an urological patient on aspirin therapy. Acta Medica Medianae. 2017; 56(4):83-89. DOI: 10.5633/amm.2017.0413.
    2. Golubović M, Perić V, Lazarević M, Jovanović N, Marjanović V, Stošić B, Milić DJ. Estimation of postoperative complications with V-POSSUM model in patients prepared for major elective vascular surgery. Acta Medica Medianae In press. 2018; doi: 10.5633/amm.2019.0107.

    3. Dragan J. Milic, Milan Lazarevic, Dragan Bogdanovic, Zoran Damnjanovic, Sasa Zivic, Dejan Peric, Aleksandar Kamenov, Vladimir Stojiljkovic, Mladjan Golubovic. Poremećaji koagulacionog statusa i hemostaze kao prognostički parametri neposrednih i ranih rezultata nakon hirurške revaskularizacije miokarda.Acta medica Medianae. DOI: 10.5633/amm.2019.0110.

    4. Мilan Lazarević, Dragan Milić, Mlađan Golubović, Tomislav Kostić, Miodrag Đorđević. Monitorisanje poremećaja hemostaze u kardiohirurgiji. Acta medica Medianae. DOI: 10.5633/amm.2019.0422.
    Рад у националном часопису-М53
    5. Anita Vuković, Milan Lazarevic, Radmilo Jankovic, Biljana Stošić, Milena Stojanovic, Aleksandar Nikolić. Autotransfuzija smanjuje potrebe za alogenim transfuzijama i redukuje transfuzijom izazvan inflamatorni odgovor u hirurgiji aneurizme abdominalne aorte. Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy. 2016;39(7-8):241-246.DOI: 10.5937/sjait1608239V.
    6. Danica Markovic, Milan Lazarevic, Radmilo Jankovic. Prothrombin complex concentrate versus fresh-frozen plasma in dilutional coagulopathy-case report. Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy . 2015; 37(1-2):81-86.DOI: 616.136-007.64-089-06
    7. Lazarević Milan, Janković Radmilo, Petrović Anita, Bogićević Angelina, Pavlović Anica, Golubović Mlađan, Cvetanović Vladan, Stamenić Sonja. Autotransfuzija smanjuje potrebe za alogenim transfuzijama i redukuje transfuzijom izazvane nepovoljne srčane događaje. Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy. 2011; 33(3-4):279-283.
    8. Jovanović Nenad, Veselinović Ines, Lazarević Milan, Janković Radmilo. Nedostatak Hagemanovog faktora kod pacijenta podvrgnutog operaciji umbilikalne hernije - prikaz slučaja i pregled literature. Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy.2015; 37(1-2):91-95.


  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1. Danica Markovic,Milan Lazarevic,Radmilo Jankovic. Prothrombin complex concentrate versus fresh frosen plasma in dilutional coagulopathy: a case report. 2015. ( М34)
    Annual Post Graduate Assembly in Anesthesiology 68th, Marriott Marquis, New York, USA. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2428.2964
    2. M.Lazarević, D.Milić, S.Živić, A.Kamenov, V.Stojiljković, Z.Stanojković. Intraoperativno spašavanje krvi u kardiohirurgiji ( M 64)
    Transfuziološki dani Srbije međunarodnim učešćem 4.-6.10.2012.
    3. Mlađan Golubovic, Radmilo Janković, Nenad Jovanović et al.
    Preoperative high sensitivity troponin T predict peri-operative mortality in mayor non cardiac surgery.
    The 66th International congres of the European Society of cardiovascular and endovascular surgery (ESCVS). Thessaloniki, Greece, 11-14 May 2017.Volume: J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2017; 58(3) suppl. 2: 101 ( M34).
    4. Damjanović Z, Jovanović M, Živić S, Đorđević P, Grozdanović D, Stepanović N, Smiljković I, Živković V, Golubović M, Lazarević M, Milić MJ.
    The role of age on early postoperative mortality in patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurism. 52 Days of preventive medicine 25-28 Septembar. (M34)
    5. Damjanovic Z, Ilic N, Zivic S, Peric D, Grozdanovic D, Stepanovic N, Lazarevic M, Cvetanovic V, Golubovic M, Milic D.
    Predictor biochemical parameters of the early postoperative mortality in patients with the rupture of abdominal aorta. , The Journal of cariovscular surgery 2017;58-Suppl.2-3:34.(M34)


Poslednji put izmenjeno sreda, 09 jun 2021 13:02