Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Dragan Velimirović
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 08.03.1976.
- Mesto rođenja: Niš
- Fakultet: Prirodno-matematički fakultet
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Hemija
- Godina diplomiranja: 2003
Spisak publikacija
Knjige i udžbenici:
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Praktikum iz analitičke hemije za studente farmacije, Medicinski fakultet, Niš, Grafocolor, 2007. ISBN 978-86-80599-59-5
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
Velimirović D, Mitić S, Tošić S, Kaličanin B, Pavlović A, Mitić M. Levels of Major and Minor Elements in Some Commercial Fruit Juices Available in Serbia. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2013; 12(5):805-811.
Apostolović M, Kaličanin B, Igić M, Tričković-Janjić O, Šurdilović D, Kostadinović Lj, Stojković B, Velimirović D. Migration of fluoride ions from the permanent teeth into saliva in children with glass ionomer cement restorations: an in vitro study. Vojnosanitetski Pregled 2013; 70(3):279–283.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D. The content of lead in herbal drugs and tea samples. Central European Journal of Biology 2013; 8(2):178-185.
Mitić S, Miletić G, Pavlović A, Pecev E, Velimirović D. Quantitative Estimation of Dimenhydrinate in Pharmaceuticals and Human Control Serum Using Ligand-Exchange Reaction. Oxidation Communitations 2012; 35(4):856-868.
Velimirović D, Mitić S, Tošić S, Pavlović A, Stojković M. Determination of the content of some trace elements in particular samples of grains,flours and breads by ICP-OES. Oxidation Communications 2012; 35(1):160–171.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D. Potentiometric Stripping Analysis of Zinc, Cadmium and Lead in Tobacco Leaves (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) and Soil Samples. International journal of Electrochemical Science 2012; 7:313-323.
Mitić S, Tošić S, Pavlović A, Sunarić S, Velimirović D., Quantitative Analysis of The Seasonal Changes of Traces of Copper(II) in Mineral Water. Asian Journal of Chemistry 2010; 22:1183-1191.
Mitić S, Miletić G, Pavlović A, Tošić S, Velimirović D. Development and Evaluation of Kinetic-spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Arginine. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 2007; 54:47-54.
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D. Teški metali u različitim biljnim vrstama kao posledica zagađenja životne sredine, Ecologica 2008; 15:93-100.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Ajduković Z. Ispitivanje uticaja Cd i Pb na efikasnost regeneracije kostiju pacova sa implantiranim CP/PLGA kompozitom. Tehnika, Novi materijali 2008; 17:3-8.
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Tošić S, Arsić I. Micronutrients in grains and grain products and their importance to human health. Šesti međunarodni kongres „Ekologija, zdravlje, rad, sport“, Banja Luka 2013; 530-536.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Naumović S. The influence of packaging meterial on the content of toxic metals in the beverage of tea fungus kombucha. XX International Scientific and Professional Meeting „Ecological Truth“ ECO-IST’12, Zaječar 2012; 582-588.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D. Determination of heavy metals in some textile materials by potentiometric stripping analysis. 7th Central European Conference, Fiber-Grade Polymers, Chemical Fibres and Special Texiles, Portorose 2012.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Naumović S. Determination of lead and cadmium in infusion solutions and solutions for Hemodialysis. XXII Congress of the Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (with international participation), Ohrid 2012.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Mladenović J. Lead content determination in some decorative cosmetic products. XXII Congress of the Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (with international participation), Ohrid 2012.
Nikolić R, Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Krstić N, Arsić I, Tadić T, Đorđević S. Medicinal plants as a source of iron in functional foods. 6th Central European Congress on Food, Novi Sad 2012.
Ćirić M, Najman S, Bojanić V, Kaličanin B, Puškaš N, Velimirović D, Cekić S, Nešić M, Bojanić Z, Cvetković T, Sokolović D, Petrović S. Mineralization effect of simvastatin on tibia in neonatal treated rats with monosodium glutamate. 32nd Balkan Medical Week, Niš 2012.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D. The content of highly toxic metal cadmium comparasion in the leaves of tobacco (Nicotaiana tabacum L.) and in siol. 9th Symposium „Novel technologies and economic development“, Leskovac 2011.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Naumović S. The determination of the lead content in different types of commercial teas. 9th Symposium „Novel technologies and economic development“, Leskovac 2011.
Kaličanin B, Arsić I, Velimirović D, Naumović S. Determination of total lead content in herbal drugs grown on different locations. 5th Congress of Pharmacy of Macedonia (with international participation, Ohrid 2011.
Velimirović D, Kaličanin B. Monitoring toxic effects of lead and cadmium in the kidneys and liver of rats. XXI Congress of the Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (with international participation), Ohrid 2010.
Mladenović J, Kaličanin B, Velimirović D. Potentiometric stripping analysis of lead and zinc in some cosmetic preparations. XXI Congress of the Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (with international participation), Ohrid 2010.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Živković B, Miletić V, Milinčić K. Erosive potential os some pharmaceutical preparations on acrylatic dentures. YUCOMAT, Herceg Novi 2010.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Ajduković Z. Conducting Chemical Stability of Pharmaceutical Packing Materials on Influence of Acid Media. I međunarodni Kongres “Inženjerstvo, materijali i menadžment u procesnoj industriji”, Jahorina 2009.
Ćirić M, Najman S, Bojanić V, Bojanić Z, Cvetković T, Kaličanin B, Cekić S, Nešić M, Branković S, Velimirović D, Puškaš N. The Influence of Simv Astatin on Calcium and Magnesium Level in Tibia of Rats Neonataly Treated with Monosodium Glutamate. Second Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with Internation Participation, Kragujevac 2009.
Kaličanin B, Velimirović D. Application of potentiometric stripping analysis for determination of toxic heavy metals in natural waters. 1st Symposium of Chemistry and Environment, Budva 2007.
Obradović M, Tošić S, Velimirović D. Iron(III)-monosulphonated hydroquinone complex MGCM-3 analytical application. 5th International Conference of the South-East European Chemical Societies and XIX Congres of the Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid 2006.
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
Kaličanin B, Nikolić R, Velimirović D, Sojanović D. Promene na zubima pod uticajem osvežavajućih napitaka i hrane kiselog ukusa. 43 dani preventivne medicine, XLIII internacionalni naučni skup, Niš 2009.
Živković B, Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Ajduković Z, Miletić V, Milinčić K. Erozivni potencijal kiselog medijuma na veštačke zube i njegov uticaj na zdravlje ljudi. Osma konferencija mladih istraživača – Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Beograd 2009.
Velimirović D, Kaličanin B, Ajduković Z, Petrović D. Praćenje uticaja kiselog medijuma na postojanost akrilatnih zubnih proteza. Sedma konferencija mladih istraživača – Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Beograd 2008.