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Datum kreiranja: 17.12.2013.

Saša Bubanj

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 21.09.1972. god
  • Mesto rođenja: Beograd
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Odsek za fizičku kulturu
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1996. god
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Bubanj, S., Bratić, M., Kostić, R., Madić, D., Obradović, B., Stojanović, M., Bachl, N., Petry, K., Froberg, K. (2017). Master of Science in Physical Education, Physical Activity and Health. In: D. Caporossi (Ed.). University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-7181-098-2

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R.,  Popović, R., et. al. (2016). A study on anthropological status and biomechanical efficiency of the elite Serbian athletes. Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-87249-64-6

    Bubanj, S. (2014). Studija o fizičkom stanju i zdravstvenom statusu adolescenata / A study on physical condition and health status of adolescents. ISBN 978-86-87249-54-7. Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. Bilingual Edition: In Serbian and in English

    Bubanj, S., & Bubanj, R. (2012). Procena snage mišića / Muscular strength assessment. Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-87249-39-4. Bilingual Edition: In Serbian and in English

    Bubanj, S., Bubanj, R., & Stanković, R. (2010). Primenjena kinematika u sportu (Applied kinematics in sport). Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-87249-24-0; COBISS.SR-ID 180647180. In Serbian

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Stanković, R., & Bubanj, S. (2012). Tehnologija sporta (Technology of sport). Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-87249-50-9. In Serbian

    Bubanj, S., Bubanj, R., Stanković, R. & Đorđević, M. (2010). Praktikum iz biomehanike / The workbook in biomechanics. Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, ISBN 978-86-87249-18-9; COBISS.SR-ID 174920972. Bilingual Edition: In Serbian and in English

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
    Bjelica, B., Aksović, N., Bubanj, S., Zelenović, M., Stanković, M., Pajović, L., et al. (2024). Effects of physical activity on patients with diabetes type 2: a systematic review. Balneo and PRM Research Journal, 15(2), 685, ISSN-L 2734-844X. p ISSN 2734-844X. e ISSN 2734-8458 (WoS, IF 0.7, M23)

    Aksović, N., Bubanj, S., Bjelica, B., Kocić, M., Lilić, L., Zelenović, M., et al. (2024). Sports injuries in basketball players: a systematic review. Life14(7), 898., ISSN 2075-1729 (WoS, IF 3.2, M21)

    Labudović, D., Stojiljković, S., Orlić, A., Matić, M., Uzunović, S., Bubanj, S., et al. (2024). Impact of music selection on motivation and performance during cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Applied Sciences14(15), 6751., ISSN 2076-3417 (WoS, IF 2.5, M22)

    Stojiljković, S., Gavrilović, L., Pejić, S., Pajović, S. B., Macura, M., Nikolić, D., Bubanj, S., & Stojiljković, V. (2024). Effects of endurance training on antioxidant and hormonal status in peripheral blood of young healthy men. Life14(8), 921., ISSN2075-1729 (WoS, IF 3.2, M21

    Veličković, P., Stanković, D., Paunović, M., Đorđević, D., Bubanj, S., Kocić, M., Marović, B., Bjelica, B., Stanković, V., Aksović, N. (2024). Does the impact force depend on arm position and run-up speed during forward handspring on the vault in elite gymnasts? A pilot study. Balneo and PRM Research Journal, 15(2), 685, ISSN-L 2734-844X. p ISSN 2734-844X. e ISSN 2734-8458 (WoS, IF 1.5, M23)

    Bjelica, B., Zelenović, M., Alexe, C.I., Aksović, N., Setiawan, E., Pržulj, R., Pantelić, S., Bubanj, S., Kulundžić, D., Lungu, E., Ciocan, V.C., & Alexe, D.I. (2023). Effect of hyperbaric chamber on saturation and heart frequency. Balneo and PRM Research Journal, 14(4), 601., ISSN-L 2734-844X. p ISSN 2734-844X. e ISSN 2734-8458 (WoS, IF 1.5, M23)

    Sinanović, Š., Kilibarda, T., Bubanj, S., Prodović, T., Potić, T., Sekulić, J., Spasić, M., Subotić, S., Kostić, M., Petrović, M., Popović Ilić, T., Tomović, M., Aksović, N., & Milovanović, O. (2023).  Job satisfaction of healthcare professionals in palliative care departments and factors affecting job satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic. Vojnosanitetski pregled, , Online First October, 2023, ISSN 2406-0720 (WoS, IF 0.2, M23)

    Marković, J., Bubanj, S., Šekeljić, G., Pavlović, S., Radenković, M., Stanković, D., Petković, E., Aksović, N., Radenković, O., Preljević, A., Bjelica, B., Petrović, V., Sinanović, Š., & Tomović, M. (2023). Efficiency of an alternative physical education program for the lower grades of elementary school children. Children10, 1657,, ISSN 2227-9067 (WoS, IF 2.4, M22)

    Sinanović, Š., Prodović, T., Milovanović, O., Bubanj, S., Krstović, M., Potić, S., Sekulić, J., & Jeremić, D. (2023). Challenges in procedural sedation and analgesia. Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis40(2), 149-159., ISSN 0351-6083. eISSN 2217-2521 (WoS, IF 0.6, M23)

    Bubanj, S., Radenković, M., Stanković, D., Petković, E., Lilić, A., Bojić, I., Aksović N., Dobrescu, T., Bjelica, B., Ćuk, I., Mazić, S., Petrini, F. M., Sinanović, Š., Tomović, M., & Leuciuc, F. V. (2023). Biomechanics of ascending and descending stairs in a patient with transfemoral amputation and neural sensory feedback: a case report. Symmetry15(7), 1443., ISSN 2073-8994 (WoS, IF 2.7, M22)

    Aksović, N., Dobrescu, T., Bubanj, S.,Bjelica, B., Milanović, F., Kocić, M., Zelenović, M., Radenković, M., Nurkić, F., Nikolić, D., Marković, J., Tomović, M., & Vulpe, A.-M. (2023). Sports games and motor skills in children, adolescents and youth with intellectual disabilities. Children10(6), 912. ISSN 2227-9067 (WoS, IF 2.835, M22)

    Radenković, M., Lazić, A., Stanković, D., Cvetković, M., Đorđić, V., Petrović, M., Tomović, M., Kouidi, E., Preljević, A., Marković, J., Berić, D., Stojanović, M., Kocić, M., Aksović, N., Petković, E., Čoh, M., Bogataj, Š., & Bubanj, S. (2022). Effects of combined plyometric and shooting training on the biomechanical characteristics during the made jump shot in young male basketball players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1),343. ISSN 1661-7827. eISSN 1660-4601 (WoS, IF 4.614, M21)

    Prodović, T., Prodović-Milojković, B., Krstović, M., Sinanović, Š., & Bubanj, S. (2022). Palliative care – illness, dying, and death as biological-medical and socio-cultural phenomena. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo,, eISSN 2406-0895 (WoS, IF 0.224, M23)

    Tomović, M., Toliopoulos, A., Koutlianos, N., Dalkiranis, A., Bubanj, S., Deligiannis, A., & Kouidi, E. (2022). Correlation between cardiopulmonary indices and running performance in a 14.5 km endurance running event. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 12289. ijerph191912289. ISSN 1661-7827. eISSN 1660-4601 (WoS, IF 4.614, M21)

    Aksović, N., Bjelica, B., Milanović, F., Cicović, B., Bubanj, S., Nikolić, D., Skrypchenko, I., Rozhechenko, V., & Zelenović, M. (2022). Evaluation and comparative analysis of the results of a vertical jump between young basketball and handball players. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports26(2),126–133.; ISSN 2664-9837 (WoS, IF 0.6, SJR-Q1, M23)

    Kilibarda, T., Sinanović, Š., Bubanj, S., Trgovčević, S., Ivanović, S., & Milutinović, S. (2022). Protective personality factors for stress in the elderly during COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis39(1), 95-105, 0351-6083. eISSN 2217-2521 (WoS, IF 0.6, M23)

    Cvetković, B., Cvetković, M., Petrušič, T., Đorđić, V., Bubanj, S., Popović, B., Andrašić, S., Buišić, S., & Bogataj, Š. (2021). Nutrition and physical activity behavior in 11–14-year-old schoolchildren in Serbia. Children8(8), 625., ISSN 2227-9067 (WoS, IF 2.835, M22)

    Bubanj, S., Đorđević, S., Milenković, S., Stanković. R., Vidojević, M., & Đokić, M. (2021). Postural disorders and muscle power in primary school children. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis, 38(3), 294-309, UDC 616.7-007.1-053.5:613.72, ISSN 0351-6083. eISSN 2217-2521 (WoS)

    Stojiljković, N., Leroux, F., Bubanj, S., Popot, M.A., Paris, A., Tabet, J.C., & Junot, C. (2019). Tracking main environmental factors masking a minor steroidal doping effect using metabolomic analysis of horse urine by liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry25(3), 339-353., ISSN 1469-0667. eISSN 1751-6838 (WoS, IF 1.067, M23)

    Petković, E., Bubanj, S., Marković, K., Kocić, M., & Stanković, D. (2019). Position-related somatotype of elite female handball players. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis, 36(4), 318-325 0351-6083. eISSN 2217-2521 (WoS)

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Popović, R., BubanjS., & Stanković, R. (2018). Body composition in high-level rhythmic gymnasts of different age categories. Science & Sports, 34(3), 141-148., ISSN 0765-1597 (WoS, IF 0.987, M23)

    Petrović, M., Kannosh, I., Milašin, J., Mihailović, D., Obradović, R., Bubanj, S., & Kesić, Lj. (2017). Clinical, microbiological and cytomorphometric evaluation of low-level laser therapy as an adjunct to periodontal therapy in patients with chronic periodontitis. International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 16(2), ISSN 1601-5029. eISSN 1601-5037 (WoS, IF 1.380, M22)

    Bubanj, S., Mitković, M., Gašić, T., Mazić, S., Stanković, R., Radovanović, D., Obradović, B., Šekeljić, G., Stamatović, M., Marković, J., & Uzunović, S. (2018). The impact of resistance training program on the muscle strength and bone density in adolescent athletes. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis, 35(3), 201-215, 0351-6083. eISSN 2217-2521 (WoS)

    Bubanj, S., Šekeljić, G., Marković, J., & Mazić, S. (2017). How safe is the “Flexed arm hang test”? Acta Kinesiologica, 11(Supp. 2), 111-118. p-ISSN 1840-2976, e-ISSN 1840-3700 (WoS)

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Popović, R., Bubanj, S., & Stanković, R. (2016). Rhythmic gymnasts’ somatotype: Is it a predictive factor for RG performance? Acta Kinesiologica, 10(1), 92-99. p-ISSN 1840-2976, e-ISSN 1840-3700 (WoS)

    Cvetković, M., Popović, B., Jakšić, D., Matić, R., Orlić, D., Krulanović, R., Andrašić, S., Bubanj, S. (2013). Effects of different aerobic programs on manifestation of strength. HealthMed, 7(10), 2849-2855. ISSN (Online) 1986-8103, ISSN (Print) 1840-2291 (WoS, IF 0.14, M23)

    Stefanović, N., Ćirić, I., Pavlović, S., Kundalić, B., Bubanj, S., Petković, E., Puletić, M., & Antić, V. (2012). Evaluation of some anatomical and anthropometric characteristics of the chest based on the analysis of digital images of the anterior aspect of trunk in top athletes.  Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis, 29(1), 43-51. ISSN (Online) 2217-2521, ISSN (Print) 0351-6083, 012-0007-5 (WoS)

    Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Živković, D., Milenković, S., Bubanj, R, Stanković, R., Ćirić-Mladenović, I., Stefanović, N., Purenović, T., Stojiljković, D., Obradović, B., Dimić, A., Cvetković, T. (2012). The incidence of sagittal postural deformities among high school students: Preliminary study. Acta Kinesiologica, 6(2), 27-30. ISSN 1840-3700 (WoS)

    Perić, S., Bubanj, M., Bubanj, S., & Jančić, S. (2011). Side effects assessment in glicolyc acid peelings in patients with acne type I. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 11(1), 52-57. ISSN 1840-4812 (WoS, IF 0.489, M23)

    Živković, M., Bubanj, S., Živković, D., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., Purenović, T., Stojiljković, D., Obradović, B., Dimić, A., & Cvetković, T. (2011). The frequency of illness in the population of high school athletes and non-athletes. Acta Kinesiologica, 5(2), 100-104. ISSN 1840-3700 (WoS)

    Perić, S., Bubanj M., Bubanj S., Jančić, S. (2011). Glycolic acid peeling in the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory facial acne vulgaris. Scientific Research and Essays, 6(32), 6671-6680,, ISSN (Print) 1992-2248, (WoS, IF 0.657, M23)

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., Bojić, I., Đinđić, B., & Dimić, A. (2010). Reliability of Myotest tested by a countermovement jump. Acta Kinesiologica, 4(2), 46-48. e-ISSN: 1840-3700; p-ISSN: 1840-2976 (WoS)

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Joksimović, A., Bubanj, R., Joksimović, S., Kozomara, G., & Efthimiadis, P. (2010). Kinematics of accurate inside of foot kick. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 16(1), 77-85. ISSN: 1318-2269 (WoS)

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Raković, A., Bubanj, R., & Đorđević, M. (2009). Kinematics analyses of sports walking on treadmill at different angles of belt inclinations. Acta Kinesiologica, 3(2), 31-37. ISSN: 1840-3700; p-ISSN: 1840-2976 (WoS)

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Obradović, B., Kolar, E., Bednarik, J., Bubanj, R., Petković, E., Dimić, A., & Đinđić, B. (2009). Body Mass Index as a predictor of important decrease of Bone Mineral Density. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 15(3), 29-39. ISSN 1318-2269 (WoS)

    Bubanj, S., Bubanj, R., Stanković, R., & Petrović, V. (2008). Differences in maximal isometric muscular potential of lower extremities. Acta Kinesiologica2(1), 19-23. ISSN: 1840-3700; p-ISSN: 1840-2976 (WoS)

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Stanković, D., Veličković, P., Antonijević, M., Veličković, V., Anđelković, I., Bubanj, S., Aksović, N., Bjelica, B., Mitić, M., & Dobrescu, T. (2024). The incidence of Osgood-Schlatter injuries in young athletes and non-athletes - A systematic review. Gymnasium25(1), 85-93, ISSN: 1453-0201, eISSN 2344-5645 (ERIH+, M23)

    Prodović Milojković, B., Sinanović, Š., Prodović, T., Milovanović, O., Kilibarda, T., Sretenović, I., Potić, S., Sekulić, J., Bubanj, S., & Subotić, J. (2024). Digital technologies as a support to healthcare systems in promotion of health and prevention disease. Acta Medica Medianae, 63(2), 54-62,, ISSN 0365-4478, eISSN 1821-2794

    Martinović, B., Sinanović, Š., Sekulić, J., Potić, S., Subotić, S., Babić, V., & Bubanj, S. (2023).The influence of social networks on the development of addiction in adolescents. PONS Medical Journal20(2), 66-70, , ISSN 2406-1352

    Ilić, I., Durlević, S., Bubanj, S., Bjelica, B., Aksović, N., & Dobrescu, T. (2023). Impact of explosive strength on shot speed in handball. Gymnasium24(2), 28, ISSN: 1453-0201, eISSN 2344-5645 (ERIH+, M23)

    Kahrović, I., Aksović, N., Radenković, O., Bjelica, N., Zelenović, M., Bubanj, S., Mekić, R., Murić, B., & Dobrescu, T. (2023). Morphological characteristics as predictors of competitors selection in karate. Gymnasium24(1), 28, ISSN: 1453-0201, eISSN 2344-5645 (ERIH+, M23)

    Antonijević, S., Stanković, D., Antonijević, M., Bubanj, S., Manić, M., Veličković, P., Živković, M., & Đorđević, S. (2023). Differences in motor abilities among basketball players in relation to biological maturity. SportMont21(2),, Ahead of Print, Online ISSN 2337-0351 (ERIH+, M324)

    Sinanović, Š., Milovanović, O., Kilibarda, T., Prodović, T., Djukanović, N., Potić, S., Martinović, B., Sekulić, J., & Bubanj, S. (2023). The importance of health workers and their role in the relationship with the public in the function of raising awareness about oncological diseases. Acta Medica Medianae62(2), 71-76. eISSN, 1821-2794; p-ISSN 0365-4478

    Prvulović, N., Pantelić, S., Stanković, R., & Bubanj, S. (2022). Effects of plyometric programms on biomechanical parameters in track and field, basketball and volleyball: a systematic review. Facta Universitatis, Series: Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, 6(1), 103-117., ISSN 2560-4600. eISSN 2560-4619

    Kilibarda, T., Sinanović, Š., Bubanj, S., Trgovčević, S., Ivanović, S., Milutinović, S. (2021). Health promotion and the components of social marketing in the function of early diagnosis of breast cancer. Timok Medical Gazette, 46(4), 185-189. ISSN 0350-2899. eISSN 2406-1042

    Čoh, M., Bubanj, S., Kreft, R., & Rautar, S. (2021). The relationship of horizontal and vertical plyometric jumps with sprint acceleration. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 19(1), 81-95. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Bubanj, S. (2020). Mens sana in corpore sano. Godišnjak Srpske akademije obrazovanja, 16, 3-17. ISSN 1820-5461, UDC 371.72

    Stanković, D., Kocić, M., Milenković, S., & Bubanj, S. (2020). Reliability of tests for measuring isometric force of the muscles while shooting in basketball. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 18(3), 567-575. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Aksović, N., Kocić, M., Berić, D., & Bubanj, S. (2020). Explosive power in basketball players. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 18(1), 119-134. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Stojanović, E., Radenković, M., Bubanj, S., & Stanković, R. (2019). Kinematic parameters of jump shot in elite male basketball players. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(2), 237-245. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Radenković, M., Bubanj, S., Berić, D., Stanković, R., Stojanović, M., & Stojić, M. (2018). The influence of a ten-week training program on the biomechanical parameters of made jump shots in young basketball players. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 16(1), 127-136. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Bubanj, S., Gašić, T., Stanković, R., Radovanović, D., Obradović, B., & Živković, M. (2017). Correlations of the muscle strength and the bone density in young athletes and non-athletes. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 15(2), 353-362. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Radenković, O., Stanković, R., Bubanj, S., Kostić, R., & Kahrović, I. (2016). The effects of physical exercise with resistance on the explosive strength of students. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 14(3), 447-454. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Stojiljković, N., Bubanj, S., Đorđević, D., Mazić, S., Junot, C., Popot, M.A., Bonnaire, Y., & Tabet, J.C. (2017). Urine fingerprints of stanozolol treated horses by liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, ISSN 2161-0673

    Bojović, M., Petrović, M., Obradović, R., Bubanj, S., Jovanović, R., & Kesić, Lj. (2017). Oral hygiene habits among the students of the University of Niš in Southern Serbia: A pilot study. Acta Medica Medianae56(4), 114-119. eISSN, 1821-2794; p-ISSN 0365-4478

    Todorović, K., Bojović, M., Petrović, M. S., Obradović, R., Bubanj, S., Jovanović, R., Minić, I., & Kesić, Lj. (2017). Oral and periodontal health in chronic users of psychoactive substances. Acta Medica Medianae, 56(2), 64-69. eISSN, 1821-2794; p-ISSN 0365-4478

    Živković, M., Stošić, D., Bubanj, S., Herodek, K., & Živković, D. (2016). Effects of vibration training on the explosive strength of upper limbs. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 14 (2), 159-166. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Gašić, T., Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Obradović, B., Goranović, S., & Jovanović, R. (2016). Differences in running speed between young sprinters and non-athletes aged from 17 to 18 years. Acta Medica Medianae55(1), 76-80. ISSN 1821-2794

    Purenović-Ivanović, T. M., Popović, R., Stanković, D., & Bubanj, S. (2016). The importance of motor coordination abilities for performance in rhythmic gymnastics. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 14 (1), 63-74. ISSN 1451 740X (M24)

    Jorgić, B., Milenković, M.,  Ždrale, S., Milenković, S., Stanković, R., & Bubanj, S. (2015). Spinal cord posture in the sagittal plane among young schoolchildren residing in the area of Knaževac. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 13 (2), 311-318. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Živković, M., Herodek, K., Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Đošić, A. (2014). Effects of vibration and isometric training on the lower limbs explosive strength. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 12 (3), 217-226. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Živković, M., Živković, D., Bubanj, S., Milenković, S., Karaleić, S., & Bogdanović, Z. (2014). The dependence of explosive strength and speed on feet posture. HealthMED Journal, 8 (2), 246-252. ISSN (Print) 1840-2291

    Milenković, S., Živković, M., Živković, D., Bubanj, S., Bogdanović, Z., & Karaleić, S. (2014). The correlation of a postural status and isometric endurance with rowers of school age. HealthMED Journal, 8 (2), 275-279. ISSN (Online) 1986-8103, ISSN (Print) 1840-2291

    Cvetković, T., & Bubanj, S.. (2013). Hockey, politics and national identity in Canada. Teme, 37 (2), 881-886. ISSN: 1820-7804; p-ISSN: 0353-7919 (M24)

    Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Stanković, R., Obradović, B., Purenović-Ivanović, T., & Đošić, A. (2013). Body composition in high school population of athletes and non-athlete. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, (11) 3, 197-208. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Milenković, S., Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Živković, D., Bubanj, R., Ćirić-Mladenović, I., & Stojiljković, S. (2013). A comparative analysis of postural status in two elite athletes: A preliminary study. Research in Kinesiology, 41 (1), 44-54. ISSN 1857-7679

    Stanković, R., Herodek, K., Dragić, B., Bubanj, S., & Simonović, C. (2013). Validity of the two systems for measuring force and power of the lower extremities. Research in Kinesiology, 41 (2), 150-153. ISSN 1857-7679

    Milenković, S., Živković, D., Bubanj, S., Bogdanović, Z., Živković, M., & Stošić, D. (2012). The frequency of the spinal column postural disorders among elite swimmers. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 10 (3), 203-209. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Mladenović-Ćirić, I., Bubanj , S., Milenković, S., Stojiljković, S., Branković, N., & Stanković, I. (2012). Curent physical protocols of invasive and noninvasive determinateing of anaerobic threshold during conconi test. Research in Kinesiology, 40 (2), 169-176. ISSN 1857-7679

    Bubanj, S., Okičić, T., Živković, M., Stanković, R., Bojić, I., & Bubanj, R. (2011). Differences in manifested explosive strength tested by means of the vertical jump with and without previous static stretching. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, (9) 2, 151-159. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Veličković, S., Kolar, E., Kugovnik, O., Petković, D., Petković, E., Bubanj, S., Bubanj, R., & Stanković, R. (2011). The kinematic model of the basket to handstand on the parallel bars. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 9 (1), 55-68. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Obradović, B., Jakšić, D., Matić, R., Milošević, Z., Bubanj, S., & Bubanj, R. (2011). The correlation between anthropometric, motor and the variables for the evaluation of bone density. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 9 (3), 265-274. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Milenković, S., Živković, M., Bubanj, S., Živković, D., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., Purenović, T., Stojiljković, D., Obradović, B., Dimić, A., Cvetković, T., & Bubanj, M. (2011). Incidence of flat foot in high school students. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 9 (3), 275-281. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Aleksić-Veljković, A., Puletić, M., Raković, A., Stanković, R., Bubanj, S., & Stanković, D. (2011). Comparative kinematic analysis of release of the best Serbian shot putters. Facta Universitatis, Series, Physical Education and Sport, 9 (4), Spec. Issue, 359-364. ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Milenković, S., Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Živković, D., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., Purenović, T., Stojiljković, D., Obradović, B., Dimić, A., & Cvetković, T. (2011). The incidence of scoliotic bad posture among high school students: Preliminary study. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 9 (4), Spec. Issue, 365-373.  ISSN 1451-740x (M24)

    Simonović, Z., Bubanj, S., Projović, A., Kozomara, G., & Bubanj, R. (2011). Differences in motor abilities between karate athletes and non-athletes. Sport Scientific and Practical Aspects, 8 (1), 15-19. ISSN 1840-4413

    Gašić, T., Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., & Obradović, B. (2011). Difference in the explosive strength of upper extremities between athletes in relation to their sport activity, type of engagement in sport and gender. Sport Science, 4 (1), 63-67. ISSN 1840-3670

    Obradović, B., Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Dimić, A., Bubanj, R., Bubanj, M., Bojanić, V., & Perić, S. (2010). Calcaneal mineral density in children athletes and the take-off leg. Acta Medica Medianae, 49 (2), 25-28. ISSN: 0365-4478

    Jorgić, B., Puletić, М., Stanković, R., Okičić, Т., Bubanj, S., & Bubanj, R. (2010). Kinematics analysis of grab and track start in swimming. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 8 (1), 31-36. ISSN: 1451 740X 

    Cvetković, T., & Bubanj, S., & Stanković, R. (2010). Hockey vocabulary in Canada. Teme, 34 (4), 1213-1218. ISSN: 1820-7804; p-ISSN: 0353-7919

    Purenović, T., Bubanj, S., Popović, R., Stanković, R., & Bubanj, R. (2010). Comparative kinematics analysis of different split front leaps. Sport Science, 3 (1), 13-20. e-ISSN: 1840-3670; p-ISSN: 1840-3662

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., Dimić, A., Bednarik, J., & Kolar, E. (2010). One-leg vs two-legs vertical jumping performance. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 8 (1), 89-95. ISSN: 1451 740X

    Veselinović, N., Živković, M., Bubanj, S., Marković, S., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., & Yotov, Y. (2010). Komparativna analiza brzine zamaha rukom iznad glave u rukometu (Comparative analysis of overhead swing speed of the arm in handball). Sport and Science Magazine (Sofia), 35(4), 65-70. ISBN 1310-3393. In Serbian

    Bubanj, S., Milenković, S., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., Živković, M., Atanasković, A., & Gašić, T. (2010). Correlation of exsplosive strength and sagittal postural status. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 8 (2), 173-181. ISSN: 1451 740X

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Dimić, A., Obradović, B., Bubanj, R., Bubanj, M., & Perić, S. (2009). Risk factors and bone mineral density in athletes and non-athletes. Acta Medica Medianae, 48 (4), 45-49. ISSN: 0365-4478

    Stanković, R., Bubanj, S., Bubanj, R., & Herodek, K. (2009). Kinematička analiza tehnike veslanja (Kinematics analysis of the rowing techniques). Sport Mont – Journal of Sport Physical Culture and Health, 21, 22 (6), 94-99. ISSN 1800-5918. In Serbian

    Stanković, R., Bubanj, S., Herodek, K., Bubanj, R., & Marković, S. (2009). Influence of different bench throws tempo on strength of upper extremities. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 7 (2), 153-160. ISSN: 1451 740X

    Bubanj, S., Bubanj, R., Dragić, B., & Živković, M. (2009). Kinematička analiza skok šuta u košarci (Kinematics analysis of jump shot in basketball). Sport Mont – Journal of Sport, Physical Culture and Health, 18, 19, 20 (6), 583-594. ISSN 1800-5918. In Serbian

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., & Nejić, D. (2009). Komparativna biomehanička analiza skoka i z čučnja bez i sa fleksijom u zlobu kolena (Comparative biomechanical analyses of squat jump without and with flexion in knee joint). Sport Mont – Journal of Sport Physical Culture and Health, 18, 19, 20 (6), 595-600. ISSN 1800-5918. In Serbian

    Bubanj, R., Stanković, R., Bubanj, S., & Nejić, D. (2008). Analiza tehnike smeča u odbojci kinematičkom metodom (Analyses of volley-ball technique of ball shoting at aloft bounce by using kinematics method). Sport Mont – Journal of Sport, Physical Culture and Health, № 15, 16, 17/ VI: 35-40. ISSN 1800-5918. In Serbian

    Stanković, R, Herodek, K., & Bubanj, S. (2008). Move tehnologije u merenju skoka u dalj s mesta (New technologies in measurement of standing long jump). Sport Mont – Journal of Sport, Physical Culture and Health, № 15, 16, 17/ VI: 134-136. ISSN 1800-5918 In Serbian

    Perić, S., Bubanj, M., Bubanj, S., & Jančić, S. (2008). Benefficial effects of topical agents on mild to moderate acne. Facta Universitatis, Series: Medicine and Biology, 15 (3), 108-112. ISSN 0354-2017

    Bubanj, R., Stanković, R., Bubanj, S., Petrović, V., & Mladenović, D. (2008). Comparative biomechanical analysis of hurdle clearence techniques on 110m running with hurdles of elite and non-elite athletes. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 2 (2), 37-44. ISSN 1452-8827; p- ISSN 1820-6301

    Perić, S., Bubanj, M., & Bubanj, S. (2007). Effects of rendered superficial AHA's peelings with patients with Acne comedonica et papulosa. Facta Universitatis, Series: Medicine and Biology, 14 (2), 101-105. ISSN 0354-2017

    Petrović, V., & Bubanj, S. (2006). Differences in isometric muscle potentials at pupils of elementary school. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 34 (1), 61-63. ISSN 0350-3836

    Bubanj, S. (2005). Narodne igre kao specifičan oblik rekreacije (National dances as a specific aspect of recreation). Sport and Science Magazine (Sofia), Suppl. 1, 410-417. In Serbian

    Mekić, H., Petković, E., & Bubanj, S. (2005). Postural status in selection for sport gymnastics. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 33 (2), 222-225. ISSN 0350-3836

    Bubanj, S., & Obradović, B. (2002). Mechanical force and bone density. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 9 (1), 37-50. ISSN 1451-740x

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Dejanović, R., Živković, D., Bubanj, S., Đošić, A., & Elliott, A. (2021). The effects of resistance training on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. The INSHS 13th International Christmas Sports Scientific Conference, Calos, 1-3.12.2021. In: H. Dancs, I. Whyte, & J. Gaillard (Eds.). Book of Abstracts, (pp. 73-74). In collaboration with Global Sports Innovation Centre (GSIC) powered by Microsoft – Spain and International Human Motricity Network (IHMN). ISBN

    Stanković, D., Bubanj, S.,Ignjatović, A., & Trajković, N. (2021). Behaviours of teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 11th International Scientific and Professional Conference "A child in motion", Koper, 21-23.10.2021. In: S. Pišot & K. Teraž (Eds.). Book of Abstracts, (pp. 105-106). Science and Research Centre Koper, Koper, Slovenia. COBISS.SI-ID 80321027. ISBN 978-961-7058-72-7 (PDF)

    Stanković, D., Kocić, M., Milenković, S., & Bubanj, S. (2021). Analysis of shot success indicators among female basketball players. 23 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 21-23.10.2021. In: N. Stojiljković (Ed.). Book of Proceedings, (pp. 70-74). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. UDC 796.323-055.2. ISBN 978‐86‐81474‐15‐0

    Bjelica, B., Aksović, N., Bubanj, S., & Milanović, Lj. (2021). Prevalence and problems caused by postural disordesrs: a rieview. International Scientific Conference "Contemporary Challenges in Sport, Physical Exercising & Active Lifestyle", Belgrade, 14-15.5.2021. In: S. Stojiljković, R. Mandić, & N. Majstorović (Eds). Proceedings, (pp. 219-226). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-89773-71-2

    Nejić, K., Đorđević, S., Stanković, M., Marković, K., & Bubanj, S. (2019). Differences in postural status of the spinal column in volleyball players of different age categories. International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Activity Application to Anthropological Status with Children, Youth and Adults, Belgrade, 11-12.12.2019. In: Ž. Rajković, D., Mitrović, V., Milošević, & V. Miletić (Eds). Proceedings, (pp. 284-293). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-89773-61-3

    Bubanj, S., Radenković, M., Stanković, R., Petković, E., Jovanović, R., Živković, M., & Cvetković, T. (2019). The influence of the specific training program on the explosive strength in adolescents basketball players. Book of Abstracts of the 24 Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. (p. ???), 3th-6th July, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.

    Bubanj, S., Mazić, S., & Obradović, B. (2018). Internship and employment in health related sector: Current situation in Serbia. 21 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 18-20.10.2018. In: M. Kocić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 170-172). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-89-9, UDC 796.01(497.11)

    Bubanj, S., Petrović, V., Tsismalidou, A., & Douilgeridis, P. (2018). Foot status in the population of students of the University of Niš. XXI Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 18-20.10.2018. In: M. Kocić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 279-282). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-89-9, UDC 796.012:612.745:378.096-057.87

    Bogdanović, D., Ristić, J., Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Jovanović, R., & Ristić, D. (2017). Programmed training process and lower limb explosive strength in female handball players. International Scientific Congress "Applied Sport Sciences", Sofia, 1-2.12.2017. In: T. Iancheva, S. Djobova, & M. Kuleva (Eds). Book of Abstracts, (p. 16). National Sports Academy "Vassil Levski", Sofia, Bulgaria. ISSN 2534-9597. eISSN 2535-0145

    Radenković, M., Bubanj, S., Berić, D., Stanković, R., & Stojić, M. (2017). Diference in kinematic parameters of made jump shot in young basketball palyers. XX Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 19-21.10.2017. In: S. Pantelić (Ed). Proceedings, (pp. 323-329). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978‐86‐87249‐85‐1, UDC 796.3.012:612.766

    Bubanj, S., Mazić, S., & Obradović, B. (2017). Upgrading of sport science in Serbia. Book of Abstracts of the ENSE Sport Summit 2017, 12th-14th September, 2017, Aarhus-Denmark. Hosted by the Aarhus University. Available at:

    Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., & Obradović, B. (2017). The influence of pliometric program on adolescents health status. Book of Abstracts of the ENSE Sport Summit 2017, 12th-14th September, 2017, Aarhus-Denmark. Hosted by the Aarhus University. Available at:

    Stanković, D., Radenković, M., Kocić, M., Bubanj, S., & Stanković, R. (2017). Mechanical characteristics of vertical jump in young basketball players. In: P. Geshev (Ed.). Scientific Conference "Optimizing of the Pedagogical Process in Basketball, Volleyball, Handball". In Press. May 19th, 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, National Sports Academy "Vasil Levsky"

    Nikolić, M., Stanković, R., Bubanj, S., & Savić, Z. (2017). The balance differences in skiers with different level of adapted skiing technique. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Book of Abstracts of the 1st Scientific Conference SPE Balkan Ski: Science, Practice & Education (p.54-55). 12th-16th March, 2017, Kopaonik. ISBN 978-86-87249-82-0

    Bubanj, S., Golubović, M., Stanković, R., Pavlović, Lj., & Mazić, S. (2017). Technology of the ski and the snowboarding equipment in function of reducing the risk of injuries. In: V. Stanković, & T. Stojanović (Eds.). Book of Proceedings of the 4th International Conference "Anthropological and Teo-Anthropological Views on Physical Activity from the Time of Constantine the Great to Modern Times“ (p.168-171), 22th-25th March, 2017, Kopaonik. Faculty for Sport and Physical Education in Leposavić, University of Priština. COBISS.SR-ID 255809804; UDC: 796.9; 796.022. ISBN 978-86-82329-65-7

    Bubanj, S., Radenković, M., Stojanović, E., & Stanković, R. (2016). Kinematics of jump shot in top Serbian basketball players. In: A. Baca, B. Wessner, R. Diketmüller, H. Tschan, M. Hofmann, P. Kornfeind, & E. Tsolakidis (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. (p. 19-20), 6th-9th July, 2016, Vienna-Austria. Hosted by the Centre for Sport Science and University Sports, University of Vienna, ISBN 978-3-00-053383-9

    Živković, M., Ćirić, F., Bubanj, S., Herodek, K., Živković, D., & Đošić, A. (2016). The effects of vibratory training on anthropometric characteristics. 19 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 20-22.10.2016. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 70-74). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-80-6. COBISS.SR-ID 226636812

    Živković, M., Rašić, L., Bubanj, S., Milenković, S., & Marković, J. (2016). Plyometric training in the muscle explosive strength development. 19 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 20-22.10.2016. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 339-343). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-80-6. COBISS.SR-ID 226636812

    Bubanj, S., Okičić, T., Bratić, M., & Radovanović, D. (2015). Anti-doping programs in the physical education sector. In: (Ed.). Book of Abstracts of the 13th ENSSEE Forum - Rome, (p. 53), 8th-12th September, 2015, University of Rome Foro Italico, Available at: XIII Forum ENSSEE Book by International Relations Office - Issuu, ISBN

    Jovanović, R., Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Stanković, R., Obradović, B., & Cvetković, T. (2015). The differences in the explosive muscle strength of footbal players and non-athletes in high school age. International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Actibvity Application to Anthropological Status with Children, Youth and Adults, Belgrade, 11-12.12.2015. In: G. Kasum, & M. Mudrić (Eds.). Proceedings, (pp. 13-22). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-89773-14-9

    Bubanj, S., Filipović, D., Živković, M., Stanković, R., Obradović, B., & Purenović-Ivanović, T. (2015). Metric characteristics of measuring instruments for the determination of explosive muscle strength. International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Actibvity Application to Anthropological Status with Children, Youth and Adults, Belgrade, 11-12.12.2015. In: G. Kasum, & M. Mudrić (Eds.). Proceedings, (pp. 23-34). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-89773-14-9

    Jorgić, B., Milenković, M., Milenković, S., Stanković, R., & Bubanj, S. (2015). The frequency of scoliotic body posture among young children in Knjaževac. 18 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 15-17.10.2015. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 138-144). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-71-4. COBISS.SR-ID 218063372

    Živković, M., Bubanj, S., Herodek, K., Antić, V., & Živković, D(2015). The effect of isometric training on anthropometric characteristics. 18 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 15-17.10.2015. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 343-347). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-71-4. COBISS.SR-ID 218063372

    Đošić, A., Živković, M., Bubanj, S., Ružić, S., & Nikolić, D. (2014). Differences in balance and flexibility between high-school students athletes and non-athletes. 1st International Scientific Conference: Research in Physical Education, Sport, and Health. In: V. Živković (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 81-86). Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Physical Education, Sport, and Health, ISBN 978-9989 -2850-4-2

    Vukosavljević, J., Bubanj, S., Stojić, M., & Milić, O. (2014). Differences in explosive muscle strenght with handball players aged 14 to 16 in relation to the playing position. 17 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 16-18.10.2014. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Proceedings, pp. 353-360. University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia, (pp. 138-144). ISBN 978-86-87249-58-5. COBISS.SR-ID 210520332

    Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Nikolić, N., Gašić, T., Ćirić‐Mladenović, I., & Čolović, H. (2014). Difference in explosive strength between athletes and non‐athletes with flat and normal foot. 17 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 16-18.10.2014. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 353-360). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia, (pp. 145-150). ISBN 978-86-87249-58-5. COBISS.SR-ID 210520332

    Bubanj, S., Živković, M., Obradović, B., Živković, D., Gašić, T., & Bubanj, R. (2013). Bone status in the young adult population of athletes and non-athletes. 16 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 18-19.10.2013. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 353-360). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-53-0.

    Ristić, M., Atanasković, A., Marković, J., Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., & Milenković, M. (2013). Difference in manifested explosive strength determined by the use of vertical jump. 16 Scientific Conference FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 18-19.10.2013. In: S. Pantelić (Ed.). Proceedings, (pp. 442-447). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-53-0.

    Živković, M., Mitić, P., & Bubanj, S. (2012). The effects of physical exercise on depression and anxiety. 15 Scientific Congress FIS Communications in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Niš, 20-22.10.2011. In: N. Živanović, & S. Bubanj (Eds.). Proceedings, (pp. 108-121). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87249-45-5

    Bubanj, S., Milenković, S., Stanković, R., Bubanj, R., Atanasković, A., Živanović, P., &  Gašić, T. (2011). Correlation of exsplosive strength and frontal postural status. In: R. Stanković (Ed.): 14 Scientific Congress FIS Comunications 2010 in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation-Niš, Serbia, Proceedings, (pp. 191-196).University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN: 978-86-87249-26-4

    Vukajlović, D., Gašić, T., Goranović, S., Bubanj, S., Joksimović, A., Stanković, R., & Bubanj, R. (2011). Differences in specific motor skills of young soccer players at different levels of competition. In: R. Stanković (Ed.): 14 International Scientific Congress FIS Comunications 2010 in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation-Niš, Serbia, Proceedings, (pp. 457-460). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN: 978-86-87249-26-4

    Petrović, V., Bubanj, S., & Bubanj, R. (2009). Sport as a promoter of the new planetary order. In: N. Živanović (Ed.): 5-th European and 2-nd Serbian Congress of Physical Education Teachers held in Niš, Serbia on September 23-26, 2009. Proceedings, (pp. 779-786). University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia. ISBN: 978-86-83811-16-8

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Bubanj, S. (2022). Biomehanička analiza hoda pacijenta sa natkolenom amputacijom (Biomechanical analysis of gait in patient with transfemoral amputation). In: M. Jović & Z. Živković (Eds.). Book of abstracts of the Nine Annual Congress of the Association for Preventive Pediatrics of Serbia with international participation, March 31- April 02.2022, (p. 39). Niš: The Association of Preventive Pediatrics of Serbia. In Serbian

    Bubanj, S. (2021). Smernice u testiranju snage mišića pregibača u zglobu lakta u populaciji dece školskog uzrasta (Guidelines for testing the strength of the elbow joint flexor muscles in the population of school-age children). In: B. Bjelaković & M. Jović (Eds.). Book of abstracts of the Eight Annual Congress of the Association for Preventive Pediatrics of ion, May 13-15, 2021, (p. 26-27). Niš: The Association of Preventive Pediatrics of Serbia. In Serbian

    Bubanj, S. (2020). Smernice u korekciji posturalnih deformiteta dece  (Guidelines in the correction of postural disorders in children). In: B. Bjelaković & M. Jović (Eds.). Book of abstracts of the Seventh Annual Congress of the Association for Preventive Pediatrics of Serbia with international participation, September 25-27, 2020, (p. 35-36). Niš: The Association of Preventive Pediatrics of Serbia. In Serbian

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